Bachelor of Media and Communication changes

Emerging technologies and novel issues are reshaping the media and communication landscape. To ensure that all Swinburne students graduate with industry-leading knowledge and skills, it’s important that our courses cover innovative methods before they become industry standards.  

What are the changes?

The structural changes to the Bachelor of Media and Communication mean that new units are being developed while other units are changing or being discontinued. 

Units that are being discontinued will have their final offering between Semester 1 2024 and Semester 2 2025. 

The unit changes may affect the major(s) you have nominated as part of your degree. 

We currently offer 10 majors under the Bachelor of Media and Communication, these are being reconfigured into seven (7) new majors. Table 1 illustrates how the current majors and new majors are aligned. 

Table 1. Alignment of existing and new majors
Current major New major 
Creative Writing and Literature  Creative Writing and Publishing 
Professional Writing and Editing 
Cinema and Screen Studies  Cinema and Screen Studies 
Journalism  Journalism 
Media Industries  Discontinued
Social Media  Social Media 
Public Relations  Public Relations 
Advertising  Advertising 
Digital Advertising Technology 
Games and Interactivity  Discontinued
  Immersive Media 

Which units are affected?

Core units

Core unit COM10007 Professional Communication Practice will be replaced by MDA10012 Communicating with Data, offered for the first time in Semester 1, 2024. COM10007 will continue to be taught as part of the of Public Relations major. 

Core unit JOU10007 Media Content Creation will be last offered in Semester 1, 2023. You can enrol in the replacement unit MDA10018 Content Creator Lab from Semester 2, 2023. 

Major units

Unit code Unit name Changes
MDA20018 Popular Culture of the Asia Pacific Title change to Popular Culture of Asia.
Unit code Unit name Changes
MDA10006 Innovation Cultures: Perspectives on Science and Technology Replaced by MDA10015 - Social Media Strategy. The current unit will be offered for the last time in Semester 2, 2023.
MDA20003 Networked Selves Last offering of this unit is Semester 2, 2024.
MDA20009 Digital Communities Replaced by MDA10013 - Digital Communities, Digital Selves. The current unit will be offered for the last time in Semester 1, 2023.
MDA20011 Sports/Advertising/Media Last offering of this unit is Semester 1, 2024.
MDA20025 National Media in A Globalised World Last offering of this unit is Semester 1, 2024.
MDA30007 Media and Communications Project B Replaced by MDA30021 - Social Media Industry Project. The current unit will be offered for the last time in Semester 2, 2023.
MDA30012 Researching Social Media Publics No change.
MDA30017 Media Analytics and Visualisation Last offering of this unit is Semester 1, 2024.
Unit code Unit name Changes
PUB30003 Public Relations Project and Campaign Planning Replaced by PUB30004 - PR Campaign Planning and Management. 
MDA30006 Media and Communications Project A Replaced by MDA30020 - Media and Communications Industry Project.
Unit code Unit name Changes
JOU10004 News Writing Replaced by JOU10004 - Transforming Journalism in the Digital Era. The current unit will be offered for the last time in Semester 1, 2023.
JOU10008 Journalism Features Replaced by JOU10008 - The Journalist's Toolkit. The current unit will be offered for the last time in Semester 2, 2023. 
JOU20002 Reporting Public Forums Replaced by JOU20007 - Interactive Storytelling. The current unit will be offered for the last time in Semester 1, 2024.
JOU20004 Broadcast News Reporting Last offering of this unit is in Semester 2, 2024.
JOU30001 Investigative Journalism Last offering of this unit is in Semester 2, 2024.
JOU30009 Video Project Title change to Video Documentary Project.
JOU30011 Specialist Reporting Replaced by JOU30012 - Live Journalism Lab. The current unit will be offered for the last time in Semester 2, 2024.
Unit code Unit name Changes
ADV20001 Advertising Issues: Regulation Ethics and Cultural Considerations Replaced by ADV20004 - Advertising Issues and Impact. The current unit will be offered for the last time in Semester 1, 2024.
ADV20002 Concept Development and Copywriting Replaced by ADV20005 - Creativity and Ideation. The current unit will be offered for the last time in Semester 2, 2024.
ADV30001 Advertising Media Planning and Purchasing Last offering of this unit is in Semester 1, 2025.
ADV30002 Advertising Management and Campaigns Project Replaced by ADV30005 - Advertising Campaigns Project. The current unit will be offered for the last time in Semester 1, 2025.
COM30002 Professional Practice: Client and Agency Management Last offering of this unit is in Semester 1, 2025.
MDA20001 Business of Media Last offering of this unit is in Semester 1, 2025.
MDA20011 Sports/Advertising/Media Last offering of this unit is in Semester 1, 2025.
Unit code Unit name Changes
LIT20002 Australian Writing: Mapping Diversity Title change to Diversity in Australian Writing.
PWR10004 Writing Short Non-Fiction Last offering of this unit is Semester 2, 2023.
PWR20003 Writing Creative Non Fiction Last offering of this unit is Semester 2, 2025.
PWR20002 Editing Techniques Title change to Writing and Publishing Studio.
PWR30001 Editing for Publication Title change to Pitch, edit, publish.
Unit code Unit name Changes
LIT20002 Australian Writing: Mapping Diversity Title change to Diversity in Australian Writing.
PWR10004 Writing Short Non-Fiction Last offering of this unit is Semester 2, 2023.
PWR20003 Writing Creative Non Fiction Last offering of this unit is Semester 2, 2025.
PWR20002 Editing Techniques Title change to Writing and Publishing Studio.
PWR30001 Editing for Publication Title change to Pitch, edit, publish.
Unit code Unit name Changes
MDA10006 Innovation Cultures: Perspectives on Science and Technology Replaced by MDA10015 - Social Media Strategy. The current unit will be offered for the last time in Semester 2, 2023.
MDA20001 Business of Media Change of title to Business of Media and Entrepreneurship from Semester 1, 2025. Change of code to MDA20028, and offered  in the Social Media major. 
MDA20025 National Media in A Globalised World Last offering of this unit is in Semester 1, 2024.
MDA20014 Media and Social Impact Last offering of this unit is in Semester 2, 2025.
JOU20007 Media Production Title change to Interactive Storytelling from Semester 1, 2025.
JOU30009 Video Project Title change to Documentary Video Project from Semester 1, 2025.
MDA30018 Media Futures Last offering of this unit is in Semester 2, 2024.
Unit code Unit name Changes
DIG30003 Advertising Technology Last offering of this unit is in Semester 1, 2024.
DIG20005 User Experience Design Last offering of this unit is in Semester 1, 2024.
DIG20011 Digital Mobility Last offering of this unit is in Semester 2, 2024.
DIG30001 Digital Marketing Project 1 Last offering of this unit is in Semester 1, 2025.
DIG30002 Digital Marketing Project 2 Last offering of this unit is in Semester 2, 2025.
ICT10021 Digital Content Management Last offering of this unit is in Semester 1, 2023.
DDD10009 Introduction to Digital Imaging Continues to be offered in BA-SCRPRD1, BB-SPDAIN.

First-year students

How does this affect me? 

You can take this rare opportunity to switch to one of our innovative new majors from Semester 2 2023, regardless of whether your current major is undergoing structural changes.  

If your major is being discontinued or merged with another, we recommend switching to a new major. If you choose not to switch, you will continue with your current major through a teach-out period. If you do not complete your units before their final teaching period, they will be replaced with new units.  

Even if your major is not undergoing structural changes, you can switch to one of the new majors and start forging a new path.  

If you’re studying a Professional degree, you will encounter changes at a unit level. Some core units will be replaced with updated core units.   

What do I need to do now? 

Book an appointment with our Enrolment Specialists, they will guide you through the process of switching to a major within the new course structure.  

Make sure you do so before 31 May 2023 to give yourself the best chance of securing a spot.   

You are not required to take any action if you wish to continue with your current major. Note that discontinued units will have their final offering between Semester 1 2024 and Semester 2 2025.  

Second and third year students

What does this mean for me?

Your course will continue as planned. You may notice that some of the units in your study plan have new names. This simply indicates that these units have been updated. It’s also important to note that your units will be gradually phased out. Discontinued units will have their final offering between Semester 1 2024 and Semester 2 2025. 

You can also switch into one of the new majors. If you do, however, there’s no guarantee all your units will be credited towards the new course, this will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. If units are credited, be mindful that second- and third-year units under the new structure will not commence immediately. In some cases, they will not be taught until 2026.  

What do I need to do now?

You are not required to take any action. If you wish to discuss switching to one of the new majors, book an appointment with our Enrolment Specialists.

Need help?

If you have any questions about how these changes impact you or need help with planning your enrolment, please book an appointment with our Enrolment Specialists.

Contact us