Trade Support Loans
Doing an apprenticeship? You may be able to get a Trade Support Loan of up to A$21,078 from the Australian Government.
You can repay the Trade Support Loan through the tax system once you’re earning above the minimum repayment threshold.
You can use this money to help with any ordinary living expenses while completing your apprenticeship.
If you qualify for the Trade Support Loan, payments are made at intervals throughout your apprenticeship.
Trade Support Loans
You may be eligible for a Trade Support Loan if you're doing:
- a Certificate III or IV leading to certain trade occupations specified on the National Skills Needs List.
Check the National Skills Needs List before you apply, as it is subject to change.
Want to apply for a Trade Support loan?
Contact your local Apprenticeship Network provider. Your Apprenticeship Network provider will determine if you're eligible for an Australian apprenticeship.
They can also help you to apply for the loan once you have been accepted into a relevant apprenticeship course.