School of Design Folio Seminar

Register now for this year’s School of Design Folio Seminar and workshops.
- Registration is essential, but the seminar is free and open to all Swinburne students.
- Learn how to prepare your CV and folio and hunt for your dream job in a range of design disciplines.
This year's annual event will be even bigger and better than previous years:
- All online via Canvas – attend in your PJs!
- All during the mid-semester break – no class clashes.
- Expanded to extra days with specialised sessions for different kinds of design folios.
- No overlaps so you can attend as many or as few sessions as you wish.
- Replays of key popular presentations from 2019, updated.
- New presentations from staff, past students and industry experts including:
- Amy Watson from LinkedIn
- Sally Brownbill from The Brownbill Effect
- Callan Morgan from Pelican Studios
- Tina Papadakos from Swinburne Careers & Employability
- Swinburne design graduates to share their experiences and folios
- Adobe workshops to expand your skills.
See program details for an overview of the sessions. For full details of all sessions, please register for this event and once you are enrolled, visit Canvas modules for more information.
> Register by Monday 31 August for all Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday sessions
Monday 14 September
Overview lectures
- 9.30am - The job hunting process: How to start + where to look
- 9.30am - CVs, intro emails and Career Start. Tina Papadakos from Swinburne Careers & Employability
- 10.30am - Folios for first contact: Websites and PDF sample folios
- 10.30am - Folios for interviews: Printed folios and digital slideshows for presenting in-person
Guest speakers
- 12.30pm - Graduate speakers from:
- Communication design
- User experience design
- Motion design
- 1.30pm - Graduate speakers from:
- Branded environments design
- 2.30pm - Expert industry insights: Sally Brownbill, The Brownbill Effect
Tuesday 15 September
Specialised sessions and workshops
- 9.30am - How to choose and present work: How to choose which projects to include in your folio, photograph 3D pieces and use digital mockups. Emma Fisher
- 10.30am - How to create a showreel of motion design work. James Berrett
- 11.30am - How to create folios for first contact: Start building your web folio. Start your PDF sampler. Alison de Kruiff
Guest speakers
- 12.30pm - How to network and make first contact using LinkedIn. Amy Watson, LinkedIn
- 1.30pm - How to create folios for presenting in interviews. Start a digital slideshow. Start your printed folio. Emma Fisher + Andrew Budge
- 2.30pm - How to attend interviews: Tips for attending online and in-person interviews. Emma Fisher and Nicki Wragg
Wednesday 16 September
Specialised sessions and workshops
- 9.30am - Photomedia folios and job applications via project task. Jake Maher, Ascot Studios
- 10.30am - Your first folio (3D students). Denis Smitka
- 11.30am - Showing design process in your portfolio. Charlie Ranscombe
Guest speakers
- 12.30pm - UX Design Industry 2020: Scope, Crucial Insights and Breaking In. Claudia Punton, graduate
- 1.30pm - Diverse pathways in design – experiences from combining Art with Tech. Callan Morgan, Pelican Studios
Thursday 17 September
Adobe Maker’s Day
- 10 – 11.30am - Adobe Maker’s Day: Playing with AR using Aero + Dimension. Jason Grant, Adobe > Limited places! Register now
- 12.30 – 2pm - Adobe Maker’s Day: Playing with podcasts using Audition. Chris Hansen, Adobe > Limited places! Register now
- 2.30 - 4pm - Adobe Maker’s Day: Playing with animation using Character Animate. Brian Chau, Adobe > Limited places! Register now
Friday 18 September
Feedback Friday
- 10.30am - Showreel folios feedback: Live feedback on showreel folios. James Berrett
- 11.30am - Interview folios feedback: Live feedback on digital and print interview folios. Emma Fisher
- 12.30pm - First contact folios feedback: Live feedback on website and PDF sample folios. Alison de Kruiff
- 1.30pm - Design process in folios feedback: Live feedback on process work in folios. Charlie Ranscombe
What's in it for me?
Heaps: The most current and concise advice on how you can best present your work to gain your dream design job. Inspirational stories and folio examples to give you motivation. Step-by-step help to get your own web, digital and printed folios started, as well as your CV. Helpful feedback on any folio work you have prepared by the end of the week.
How much does it cost?
Nothing! Attending is free for all Swinburne students.
Do I have to attend the whole week?
No, you are welcome to attend as many, or as few, of the sessions as you like! We have ensured no two sessions overlap so you can even attend every session if you are super-keen!
Can I just turn up on a day without registering?
No, you must register beforehand to ensure we can enrol you into the Canvas organisation and you can access the events. We encourage anyone interested to register.
What if I’m not available to join the live online sessions?
No problem. If you’re not available on those days, or don’t have good enough internet to attend sessions live, we still encourage you to register. You will be enrolled in the Canvas organisation, receive any updates to the program, be able to download all resources and have access any recordings we are able to make. Please note, some presentations will not be recorded due to copyright reasons, so it’s ideal if you can attend live if possible.
I'm studying in Swinburne TAFE / PAVE / Academy – can I attend?
Yes, definitely. While this event is organised by the Department of Communication Design within the School of Design, we do our best to make all the information relevant to all Swinburne students who are interested in working in design.
I'm studying a different course – not studying design – can I still attend?
Absolutely! You don’t have to be studying design to attend, just interested in working in design. All Swinburne higher education or PAVE students are welcome, regardless of program, course, year or discipline.
I'm only in my first year – is it worth me attending?
Yes, definitely. Even if you are a long way away from graduating, it's never too soon to start developing your folio and we do our best to make all the information we present relevant and accessible to all year levels.
Where can I get more information?
Go to the Eventbrite registration page for more details. If you need more information, please email the event organiser: Emma Fisher