At Swinburne, we’re made up of a community of students and staff from diverse sexes, sexual orientations and gender identities. We're committed to creating a supportive and inclusive environment for our LGBTIQ+ community.

Join us in promoting LGBTIQ+ awareness and inclusion, and in celebrating love, equality and pride at Swinburne.

What’s on

Wednesday 23 September

Inclusive language webinar

Ever thought about why the words we use are important? Want to know how to be an inclusive ally to all members of our community? Join the Safer Community team on for an online panel discussion featuring our friends at Transgender Victoria, and representatives from Swinburne’s Moondani Toombadool Centre and AccessAbility teams. 

Dial in anonymously on +61 2 8520 1004, PIN: 880 208 6541, or

Join the session here

Monday 28 September-Friday 2 October

Fly your virtual pride flag and show your support online

Show your support for our LGBTIQ+ community and celebrate Swinburne Pride 2020 throughout Pride week by sharing what pride means to you on social media, using this year’s hashtags #swinburnepride and #proudtogether. Got a Zoom or Teams meeting? Use our official Swinburne Pride 2020 backgrounds to show your support!

Download the artwork here

Official Swinburne Pride Instagram filter

Missing all the face paint and glitter this year? We’ve got you covered. Just head over to Razor The Razorback on Instagram, give him a follow and check out the new Swinburne Pride Instagram filter. Share your selfies with the hashtags #swinburnepride #proudtogether

Check it out

Monday 28 September

Writing the Body workshop with Quinn Eades
1pm – 4pm

Swinburne’s Gender Agenda is proud to sponsor this workshop, led by award-winning poet, writer and researcher, Dr Quinn Eades. The workshop is a great chance to meet and learn from Dr Eades, as he shares information about his own writing practice. The workshop will focus on writing from (rather than about) life experiences and the body, particularly around gender and sexuality.

Register here - places are limited

Tuesday 29 September

LGBTIQ+ awareness training

Join us for an interactive awareness training session delivered by Ellie Watts, Senior Relationship Manager at Pride in Diversity. This is an introductory session for anyone interested in learning more about the LGBTIQ+ community and creating inclusive environments. This is an interactive session where questions are encouraged, and discussions are held in a respectful and safe environment.


Writing the Body workshop

Swinburne’s Gender Agenda is proud to sponsor this workshop, led by award-winning poet, writer and researcher, Dr Quinn Eades. The workshop is a great chance to meet and learn from Dr Eades, as he shares information about his own writing practice. The workshop will focus on writing from (rather than about) life experiences and the body, particularly around gender and sexuality.

Registrations for this event is at capacity.  

Wednesday 30 September

Swinburne Pride stories panel discussion

In this panel discussion staff and students will discuss their experiences of inclusion and diversity at Swinburne. Panel members include Associate Professor Deanne Fisher, Sal Clark, Kai Johnston-Anderson, Jodie Hawke and is facilitated by Ellie Watts, Senior Relationship Manager at Pride in Diversity.

The panel warmly welcomes audience members who identify as part of the LGBTIQ+ community as well as those who would like to be better allies. As a celebration of pride in diversity, the panellists will share stories from individual experience as a means of facilitating broader discussion. Where we have made headway in celebrating inclusion, diversity and equity? How might we best identify areas where there is room for growth and improvement? How can we work together to enact real change in systems, processes and respectful interpersonal relations?

Learn more about the panellists, and register

Thursday 1 October

Let's Talk Gender training

Join us for an interactive gender awareness training session delivered by Ellie Watts, Senior Relationship Manager at Pride in Diversity. The session will provide participants with an overall understanding of binary and non-binary gender experiences and identities as part of the LGBTQ spectrum. The session will explore the complex nature of gender identity and gender affirmation processes (transitioning), provide a level of comfort around terminology, outline some of the unique challenges often faced by transgender and gender diverse employees and how to support an employee affirming their gender in the workplace.


Friday 2 October

Virtual Pride March
Login at 2pm, for 2.15pm beginning

2020 is the year to do things differently and Pride is no exception. While practicing social distancing and following Government advice, join us for the virtual Pride march, via Zoom as we are #proudtogether.


Relationships and sexual health workshop

Join the SSU on zoom to have a look at relationships and sexual health presented by Jessie Wong from Thorne Harbour Health ask the questions  you’ve wanted answers to in an anonymous environment.

for more info

Pride Makers Competition

Just because we aren’t on campus this year for our Pride March, doesn’t mean we can’t make fabulous costumes and take part virtually! So get your creative hats (and masks) on, and add some extra sparkle and pizazz to your outfit for your chance to win a prize. 

More info on the comp

Film screening of MILK

The Swinburne Student Union Queer Collective are proud to present the screening of cult classic film, MILK. Watch the trailer for MILK here. Join us online for a watch party and wind down after a big week.

We'll be jumping on Zoom from 4:30pm so come by and say hello!

Join Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 892 0730 9625
Passcode: 120895

RSVP (Facebook event link)

Support services 

Swinburne has a number of services available to support our LGBTI students and staff:  

For students

For staff

Visit the staff intranet or contact the Swinburne Ally Network at for more information.