Social Sciences Week event.

Each short presentation will follow with an interactive time for discussion.  Presenters share a range of research methodology and methods across various academic disciplinary areas, showcase some First Nations Research practices, and flag ways in which First Nations Australians are strengthening their existing social research interests through networking and collaboration.  


Kristina Sehlin MacNeil is a researcher with a background in conflict management and communications. Her current research involves conflicts between extractive industries and indigenous peoples. Kristina has been involved in peace and human rights work since the early 1990's. 

Jillian Marsh is an Adnyamathanha person and Australian researcher with a background in Cultural Heritage Management, Environmentalism, Ethno-archaeology, and Language Revitalisation.  Current research activities include women’s knowledge of culturally significant sites, and remote education. 

Karen Hughes is an Australian historian whose academic career is informed by Indigenous studies, visual studies, gender studies and cultural geography. Her career is distinguished by a more than 20-year commitment to deep engagement and collaborative research with Aboriginal communities in South Australia, the Northern Territory and Western Australia. Prior to her academic career, Karen worked as a documentary filmmaker and journalist and she brings these skills to her academic work.

Event contact

Jillian Marsh 

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