About Swinburne

Safer Community Online Reporting

Thank you for contacting the Safer Community team. A member of the team will respond to your query within 24 hours (Monday – Friday, 9 am to 5 pm).

Please note:

  • Safer Community does not operate during public holidays and University shut down periods. Refer to the Swinburne academic calendar for relevant dates
  • Safer Community is not an emergency response team. If the matter relates to an urgent safety concern, please contact Swinburne Security on 9214 3333 or Victoria Police on 000.

If you are concerned about someone's health or wellbeing, you can contact Wellbeing reception on 9214 8483 and ask to speak to someone from CAPS triage or email wellbeingtriage@swin.edu.au Monday to Friday, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Outside of these hours, please contact the After-Hours Crisis Line on 1300 854 144 or 000 for any emergency.

In addition, please note the following support services:

  • Lifeline on 13 11 14 or lifeline.org.au
  • 1800 RESPECT sexual assault and family/partner violence crisis counselling on 1800 737 732 or online counselling at www.1800respect.org.au
  • Sexual Assault Crisis Line 1800 806 292

Fields marked with an * are mandatory.

    Your details

    To remain anonymous, tick the box in the personal details section. Please note, anonymous or unidentified concerns will be investigated at the university's discretion. This is dependent upon the nature of the concern and there being sufficient information for investigation.

    Are you reporting on behalf of yourself or someone else? *

    Does this situation involve anyone under the age of 18? *

    What is your connection to Swinburne University? *

    Personal Details

    Please provide your personal details

    Incident Details

    Tell us about the incident. Which best describes the situation you're reporting on?

    What happened? *

    Please provide details of the incident

    Tell us about the incident or your concern. So that we can investigate more fully, please report as much information and be as specific as you can:

    • What happened?
    • Who was involved? (use full names of any person you're concerned about and who witnessed the incident, or provide a detailed description of them)
    • When did it happen? (date and time)
    • Where did it happen?
    • Were security or emergency services contacted?

    If you don't feel comfortable writing it all here, that's okay - we can contact you to discuss.


    Please feel free to attach any evidence including documents, pictures, videos, recordings and any other relevant information.

    Each attachment cannot exceed 4MB.

    Disclaimer: Any information you provide to us is voluntary. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure your information is protected from modification, misuse, disclosure, loss and unauthorised access. Remember that no internet transmission is ever completely secure or error-free. Swinburne will not be held responsible for events arising from unauthorised access to your information