About the library
Find information about the Swinburne library including locations, opening hours and contacts as well as policies for accessing and using library services.
Library memberships
Find out about library memberships, visitor access and how to join the library if you are not a Swinburne student or staff member.

Welcome to Swinburne Library
Take a tour around Swinburne's Hawthorn library and discover the services and resources available to students.
Our code of conduct outlines the responsibilities of library users that help create a library environment we can all enjoy. Everyone is entitled to use Swinburne Library services and collections and to enjoy an environment conducive to study and research. You have a responsibility under the Libraries Regulations 2012 to help staff ensure the library is a great place to meet, learn and study, so please follow these guidelines to ensure a great library experience for everybody.
When you use the library facilities, equipment and/or resources:
- You must not damage, vandalise, hide or steal library materials or property.
When you use library computing equipment and resources:
- You must not install unauthorised software or alter software (such as changing program setups) on library computers.
- You must not use library computing facilities for purposes other than legitimate educational, research and administrative purposes of Swinburne University of Technology.
- You must not breach any licence terms or conditions of software or other resources installed or used on library computers.
- You must not access inappropriate web sites, obscene material or make reproductions that infringe intellectual property laws such as copyright.
- You must not refuse to vacate computer workstations once your booking has expired.
- You must not behave in a loud and disruptive manner that upsets other users.
The use of library computing facilities is governed by Information Technology (IT) Systems Acceptable Use Policy.
To ensure you don’t disrupt research, study or interfere with the use of the library:
- Do not create excessive noise or rowdiness, or participate in anti-social and offensive behaviour.
- Do not participate in loud conversations in non-designated group study areas.
- Do not intimidate and harass library staff or other library users.
- Do not talk on mobile phones in designated quiet study areas.
To ensure you don't create an unhealthy or unpleasant environment:
- Do not smoke, consume alcohol or use illegal substances in the library.
- Do not consume food or drink in non-designated areas of the library.
- Do not drop litter the library — use the rubbish bins provided.
- Do not refuse to leave the library at closing time or during an emergency evacuation.
Library users are required to comply with all applicable laws, policies and rules. Failure to observe this Code of Conduct may lead to eviction from the library or withdrawal of library privileges. Legal action may also be taken in cases of unlawful activity.
When using online library resources including databases, journals and ebooks you must comply with:
- the Copyright Act and any other legal requirements
- licence conditions that apply to any database or online resource.
It is usually permitted to:
- print, save or email a reasonable number of articles or a reasonable amount of other information
- make and use a copy for your personal teaching, learning and research at Swinburne
- share a copy with other staff and students at Swinburne
- make a link to an article in a database.
It is usually not permitted to:
- make a large number of copies from the same journal or database
- make multiple copies of the same article to use as class handouts or in course packs
- do any sort of systematic copying such as making a copy of every article in an issue of an online journal or making a copy of an entire online book
- make a copy for use outside Swinburne
- use a resource for profit or commercial purposes
- share a copy with people outside Swinburne
- make an electronic copy of a database article and post it online without permission.
Who can use a library database?
Current students and staff may use databases and online resources on the library website to support teaching, learning and research at Swinburne. Some databases may also be used in campus libraries by visitors and registered borrowers.
Some third party providers require Swinburne to share your personal information, such as first name, last name and Swinburne email address to enable access to their online resources. The university is not responsible for the privacy practices of external sites and we would encourage you to review the policy on each website accordingly.
About the library collection
The library manages an integrated collection of online and physical information resources to support teaching, learning and research at all Swinburne campuses and selects, acquires and provides access to these resources for Swinburne staff, students and researchers.
The Library collection is managed in accordance with the Library Collection Governance Statement [PDF 80KB].
Library regulations can be found under Swinburne Policies.
Swinburne is committed to ensuring that staff and students are provided with clear copyright information when accessing and using information resources.
Copyright management at Swinburne is guided by clause 9.2 of the Swinburne People, Culture and Integrity policy and the Swinburne Copyright Guidelines [PDF 233KB].
Copyright for students
Access the copyright for students tool for guidance on using images, video, text and music in your assignments.
Copyright for teaching
The simplest way to make journal articles, book chapters, images and audio-visual material available to your students is to use Swinburne Library resources.
Contact your Liaison Librarian if you need help with your search or advice on teaching materials.
If the resources you want to use are not available through the library, more information about copyright is available on the Copyright wiki (login required) or use the copyright for teaching tool (login required) to find information specific to the media type you want to make available to your students. You can also contact the Swinburne Copyright Office at copyright@swinburne.edu.au.
Contact the library
For all enquiries and feedback, please email library@swinburne.edu.au or call 1300 794 628. Alternatively, complete this form so our team members can get in touch with you.