The Australian Guide to Legal Citation 4th edition (AGLC4) is published and distributed by the Melbourne University Law Review Association Inc. This is the standard for citation of information sources used for assessment purposes within Swinburne Law School. Always check with your lecturer that this is the citation style guide required for your unit.

You can use Swinburne Library's referencing tool to explore examples of AGLC4 referencing.

If you need help with referencing, you can contact the Library for assistance.

AGLC4 quick guide

Download a printable PDF with referencing examples of the Australian Guide to Legal Citation 4th edition style guide.

AGLC4 referencing style introduction

This video introduces you to legal citation using the Australian Guide to Legal Citation 4th edition (AGLC4).

AGLC4 referencing style introduction
View video transcript [PDF 212KB]

AGLC4 referencing style: Footnotes

This video shows you how to cite information sources as footnotes using the Australian Guide to Legal Citation 4th edition (AGLC4).

AGLC4 referencing style – footnotes
View video transcript [PDF 220KB]
Why do you need to reference correctly?

Academic integrity refers to presenting academic work in a moral, ethical and honest way. It means using ideas, knowledge and information to develop your own insights, but not presenting someone else's work as your own or trying to gain an unfair advantage. It also means acknowledging the work of others when you include it in your work.

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