The Student Representative Council (SRC) is Swinburne’s primary student representation and consultation body. This page includes a list of the elected representatives on the SRC Executive Committee, Swinburne University Council, Academic Senate, the Swinburne Student Life Board, the School Academic Committees (SACs) and the Vocational Education Training and Learning Committee (VETLC).

SRC Elections

Find out about when Swinburne elections are held, how to nominate, how to vote and the election results.

Learn more

SRC Executive

Position Name
Chair Tess Robb
Deputy Chair Marina Fernando
Secretary Sandali Girish
Treasurer  Kishaun Thiruchelvam
Engagement Coordinator Abhirami Kanoor

Swinburne University Council

Position Name
Student Member Kishaun Thiruchelvam

Read about Swinburne council, its responsibilities, members, meetings and committees. 

Academic Senate

Position Name
AQF level 1 to 6 (certificate to advanced diploma/associate degree) Vacant
AQF level 7 to 9 (bachelor to master degree) Ayush Upadhyay
Higher degree by research students Jing Yi Heng

Discover the responsibilities of the Academic Senate

Swinburne Student Life Board

Position Name
Undergraduate students Tess Robb
Postgraduate students Saad Masood
International students Marina Fernando
Vocational Education and Training students Vacant

View information about Swinburne Student Life's board and governance arrangements. 

School of Business, Law and Entrepreneurship School Academic Committee

Position Name
Undergraduate students Medha Malla
Postgraduate students Dhivya Shakthi Ram Mohan

School of Design and Architecture School Academic Committee

Position Name
Undergraduate students Giulia Cilotti Bueno
Postgraduate students Lishanya Vaishali Moonesinghe

School of Engineering School Academic Committee

Name Position
Undergraduate students Umme-Haanee Saib
Postgraduate students Ashwanth Balaji Kanagaraj

School of Health Sciences School Academic Committee

Name Position
Undergraduate students Sandali Girlish 
Postgraduate students Vacant

School of Science, Computing and Engineering Technology School Academic Committee

Name Position
Undergraduate students Tabish Ali Rather
Postgraduate students Sharon Salvia Joseph Dominic

School of Social Sciences, Media, Film and Education School Academic Committee

Name Position
Undergraduate students Abhirami Kanoor
Postgraduate students Piao Zhang

Vocational Education Teaching and Learning Committee

Name Position
Students from Business, Design, Media and ICT programs Vacant
Students from Health, Science and Community programs Vacant
Students from Trades and Engineering Technologies programs Vacant

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