Arrival and support services for Australia Awards students
Our range of services for Australia Awards students will help you plan your arrival and support you during your studies.
Student Contact Officers
Student Contact Officers are a team of friendly and knowledgeable advisers that provide individual and group support to all Australia Awards students. If you have any issues or concerns whilst studying with us, they should be your first point of contact.
Student Contact Officers are conveniently based at the Hawthorn campus within the International Student Advisory & Support office in the AMDC building or can be contacted via ausawards@swinburne.edu.au.
Explore the Hawthorn campus map to locate the AMDC building.
You can also speak to an International Student Adviser (ISA), they're available at all campuses and can help you through any issues you may face. They can also refer you to other services available at Swinburne. Contact an ISA by calling +61 3 9214 6741 or email isa@swinburne.edu.au.
You can make an appointment to speak to a member of the Student Contact Officer team about any problems you might have, such as academic, enrolment, scholarship, personal/family, health, financial and home country issues.
To make an appointment, simply email ausawards@swinburne.edu.au and a Student Contact Officer will get back to you. A SCO may also request appointments with you.
Pre-departure services
Before you leave your home country, you’ll need to:
- attend your Australia Awards pre-departure briefing
- obtain your passport and visa
- confirm your arrival arrangements with the Student Contact Officer at Swinburne.
You’ll receive an Institutional Information Kit four to eight weeks before you leave your home country. This kit will help you with pre-departure arrangements and will include:
- a welcome letter
- arrival services forms
- a Swinburne pre-departure guide
- a Swinburne resource guide for international students
- course information
- Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) facts sheet
- information about Melbourne
- Melbourne quarantine information
- Information on how to open a bank account.
You must return the arrival services form to us at least four weeks before you arrive in Melbourne. If you require a new form, email ausawards@swinburne.edu.au.
Arrival services
Studying in a different country can be a daunting experience, but we have a range of arrival services available for you to settle in, feel confident and get the most out of your university experience. Arrival services at Swinburne include:
When you arrive in Melbourne, a free airport pickup service will transport you to your temporary accommodation. Return the arrival services form from your Institutional Information Kit to confirm your travel details. We will organise the pickup service for you.
Find out more about the aiport pick-up service.
All Australia Awards students participate in an Introductory Academic Program (IAP) to help you adjust to life at university in Melbourne.
The four- to six-week program is made up of two parts:
- welfare support services
- academic preparation
The IAP is a compulsory part of your Australia Awards scholarship.
The SCO will arrange temporary accommodation for the first two weeks of your stay in Melbourne. Accommodation is usually on campus or in a location that is easily accessible via public transport.
Temporary accommodation can also be arranged for longer or shorter periods. To organise this, make a note on the arrival services form included in your information kit.
Homestay is a temporary accommodation option with a minimum four-week stay. For this option, you should register your interest early with the SCO. Additional placement fees apply.
During your first few weeks with us, we’ll host information sessions and online workshops designed to help you organise long-term accommodation. We also offer one-on-one advice and support.
If you have questions about accommodation, email the Accommodation Adviser at the Hawthorn campus at accommodation@swinburne.edu.au.
Find out more about accommodation services for international students.
We strongly recommend you don’t organise long-term accommodation from your home country, as this is best done after you arrive in Melbourne.
We also advise you to inspect properties in person before paying a financial deposit.
Follow the instructions on how to open a bank account from your Institutional Information Kit to ensure your Australian bank account is set up when you arrive.
If you follow these steps, the establishment allowance provided as part of your scholarship will be deposited into the account and debit cards will also be organised for you.
When you arrive in Melbourne, you’ll still need to finalise the opening of the account at a local bank branch. You’ll be able to access the establishment allowance on the following business day.
If you would like to open your own bank account, you can do this online or on arrival in Australia. Australia’s major banks have branches very close to our Hawthorn campus.
If you open your own account, the establishment allowance will be given to you via cheque, which you can then deposit into your account on arrival.
Completion of studies
Refer to your Scholarships Policy Handbook to confirm when your award will end. If you’re unsure, confirm the conditions of your award by contacting the Student Contact Officer team. During the final semester of your studies with us, you’ll work with a SCO to complete your scholarship and return home.
A Student Contact Officer will organise a Completion of Studies seminar. The seminar will provide advice on scholarship finalisation, graduation and alumni services, as well as career development or reintegration plans and travel arrangements.