Student Experience Framework
Discover Swinburne’s Student Experience Framework, and accompanying Student Voice and Student Partnership models. A copy of each is available to download on this page.
Swinburne has an ambitious goal – to deliver a world-class, connected next gen_now student experience for all Swinburne students.
So we set out on an exciting journey to co-design the Swinburne Student Experience Framework. At its heart, the framework reflects and responds to students’ needs and expectations, setting them up for success during their studies and beyond.
Co-creating a student experience
Our Student Experience Framework, along with the supporting Student Voice and Student Partnership models, was developed by Swinburne students for Swinburne students. The project was championed by Professor Sarah Maddison, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education, Experience & Employability), with operational support from Swinburne Student Life, Swinburne Student Union, and the Student Representative Council.
Nearly 4000 students from our diverse community contributed to the co-design process through a five-month-long series of online polls, focus groups, roundtables and interviews.
This culminated with the formation of Swinburne’s first Student Citizens’ Assembly. This group of 90 randomly selected students comprised a representative cross-section of the student community, including students of all ages and backgrounds, from all campuses and all study levels. Over two half-day sessions, the assembly drafted the framework and associated models, which were then validated through an all-student survey.
The resulting Student Experience Framework embodies a world-class, connected, next gen student experience that empowers Swinburne students to learn, grow and realise their potential to have a real impact on the world.

Student Experience Framework
Five guiding principles
The foundation of the Student Experience Framework is made up of five principles.
Student Voice and Student Partnership models
The Student Voice and Student Partnership models will guide how all Swinburne students can be active contributors and co-creators in their student experience.
The Student Voice model outlines how all students can have their say. It ensures their input is captured, considered and utilised in matters which impact the student experience.
The Student Partnership model outlines how students and staff can work together to co-design and co-deliver the student experience.
Both models offer opportunities for our diverse student community to participate in a range of genuine partnerships, through a variety of channels, to impact and improve their own student experiences.
Get involved
You’ll hear more about the Student Voice and Student Partnership models over the coming months and we invite you to get involved!
If you’re interested in being involved, submit an expression of interest and we’ll keep you up to date with opportunities as they arise.

Student Voice and Student Partnerships models
January 2023
Student leaders’ co-design workshop begins discussions to establish how a single student representative body at Swinburne will look
December 2022
Final Student Experience Framework and supporting models shared and implementation begins
December 2022
A refined Student Experience Framework model is presented to Swinburne Leadership for endorsement, along with accompanying Student Partnership and Student Voice models
October 2022
Staff are engaged in validation sessions to test the viability and feasibility of the Student Experience Framework and supporting models
September 2022
All Swinburne students are invited to participate in a survey to validate the draft Student Experience Framework
August 2022
A citizens’ assembly is formed, and co-design of the new Student Experience Framework begins
August 2022
Staff and student round tables work to envision a new framework
August 2022
Student focus groups discuss current student experience and needs
July 2022
Initial staff and student interviews
January 2023
Student leaders’ co-design workshop begins discussions to establish how a single student representative body at Swinburne will look
December 2022
Final Student Experience Framework and supporting models shared and implementation begins
December 2022
A refined Student Experience Framework model is presented to Swinburne Leadership for endorsement, along with accompanying Student Partnership and Student Voice models
October 2022
Staff are engaged in validation sessions to test the viability and feasibility of the Student Experience Framework and supporting models
September 2022
All Swinburne students are invited to participate in a survey to validate the draft Student Experience Framework
August 2022
A citizens’ assembly is formed, and co-design of the new Student Experience Framework begins
August 2022
Staff and student round tables work to envision a new framework
August 2022
Student focus groups discuss current student experience and needs
July 2022
Initial staff and student interviews
Want more information?
Our friendly team is here to help answer any questions about the facilities and services we have available here at Swinburne.