If you find yourself endlessly watching the clock, dreading Monday morning all-in meetings, and spending 30 minutes in the bathroom so you can avoid going back to work, it might be time for a career change. 

Now, we know what you’re thinking: ‘I’m too old to change careers, I’ll just keep being miserable until I’m six feet under.’ To which we say: 

1. Wow, that’s morbid. 

2. There’s still plenty of time for you to reinvent yourself.

In fact, a lot of people have waited until their 30s, 40s or even their 70s to try a new career. 

Andy Weir (author)

Andy Weir loved science fiction and crafting stories as a teenager. But he didn’t want to starve while trying to make it in the tough world of professional writing. So, he took the safer option and became a software engineer.

Weir kept writing in his free time, and, at 38, self-published a little novel called The Martian. Many weeks on the best-seller list and a movie adaption starring Matt Damon later, suddenly he was one of the most successful science fiction authors on the planet. 

If you’re keen to follow your own literary dreams, Swinburne can help. Enrol in a Graduate Diploma or Master of Writing to level up your mastery of language.

Brian Cox (physicist)

Most of us probably daydream about becoming a musician to escape our ‘ordinary’ job. But for Brian Cox, it was the other way around. He started out his career as a keyboardist in the ‘80s bands Dare and D:Ream.

But touring the world and playing to adoring crowds was getting in the way of his true passion: physics. So, he decided to study a Bachelor of Science, bringing his textbooks on the road with him. 

In 1998, at the age of 30, Cox completed his Doctor of Philosophy, and went on to become a scientist, author, broadcaster and all-round switched-on thinker. 

The good news for you is you don’t need to be a rockstar to study at Swinburne. Enrol in a Master of Science to learn how physics impacts life, the universe and everything.

Jonah Peretti (media mogul/journalist)

Ever found yourself scrolling away the time, contemplating ‘Which White Lotus character are you?’. Well, the man behind the format of these iconic Buzzfeed quizzes – a Gen Z cultural touchstone – was once a computer science teacher. 

After realising he was much better at writing listicles than he was at keeping control of a classroom, Jonah helped form The Huffington Post in 2005, then started Buzzfeed in 2006. While today those sites might not hold the cultural cache they once did, Peretti is still undoubtedly one of the most important media figures of the 21st century.

If you’re keen to build a journalistic empire of your own (or just want to get your start in the ever-changing media landscape), Swinburne’s Master of Media and Communication will equip you with the skills you need.

“Grandma” Moses (artist)

The “Grandma” nickname might tip you off to the fact that Anne Mary Moses didn’t begin painting until she was 77. Before that, she was too busy working on the family farm to worry about silly things like hobbies.

When retirement called and she finally found time to paint, her pieces depicting rural life would sell for $3 to $5. Not bad. But when she passed away at 101 in 1962, prices shot up to $10,000 a piece. Pretty decent for something that was originally designed to “keep her out of mischief” (her words, not ours).

If being creative matters to you, a Master of Design gives you the opportunity to make, design and craft your own masterpiece.

Hedy Lamarr (inventor aka ‘The Mother of Wi-Fi')

Being an incredibly successful actress in Hollywood’s Golden Age just wasn’t enough of a challenge for Hedy, who went on to pioneer a little-known technology we now call Wi-Fi. 

In World War II, to prevent enemy ships from blocking torpedo signals, Hedy and George Antheil created a system called ‘frequency hopping’. This invention laid the foundations for the wireless communication we rely on today like Bluetooth, GPS and Wi-Fi. 

Inspired to invent the next ground-breaking tech? Study a Master of Information Technology or Engineering at Swinburne.

Pope Francis (pope)

Okay, so this is one career change that we probably can’t help you with. But it’s too good not to mention. Many years ago, Pope Francis was a bouncer for a Buenos Aires nightclub. And going from kicking out rowdy patrons to becoming head honcho at the Vatican is a pretty impressive career switch.

If you’re ready to shift gear in your career, it’s not too late to start a fresh chapter at Swinburne – presuming that becoming the pope is not on your list of life goals.

Are you ready for a spectacular career change?

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