Contact the accommodation team
Swinburne's accommodation team is here to help, whether you have questions about residences on campus or are simply looking for accommodation near Swinburne.
On-campus accommodation
For information on Swinburne’s on-campus accommodation, contact the Swinburne Student Residences team. We can assist with general enquiries about the residences and arrange tours.
We also help with checking in to the residences, scheduling staff appointments, lockouts during office hours and lost keycards.
Swinburne Student Residences
24 Wakefield Street
Hawthorn, Victoria 3122
Monday–Friday: 9am–5pm
Public holidays: closed
+61 3 9214 5555
For emergencies outside of these hours, contact Swinburne Security.
If you’re a current resident, you can make payments and log maintenance requests through the Swinburne Residences portal.
After hours and public holidays
Contact your duty resident adviser for issues that arise after hours or during a public holiday. Alternatively, you can contact Swinburne Security on +61 3 9214 3333 if you have any security concerns. They're available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
In case of emergency, please contact 000.
Off-campus accommodation
If you need information about off-campus accommodation, contact the accommodation adviser.
The accommodation adviser can give you comprehensive advice about finding accommodation off campus, including how to make applications, managing communications with your landlord and what to look for in a rental property.
Accommodation adviser
Sam Tsering
Monday–Friday: 9am–5pm (Hawthorn campus, by appointment)
Public holidays: closed
+61 3 9214 5551
Accommodation help desk and workshop timetable
Get accommodation advice from a dedicated help desk and workshops at the Hawthorn campus.
Please register to attend the session.
Day | TIme | Session | Venue |
Wednesday 12 February |
1–3pm |
Help Desk |
AMDC106 |
Friday 14 February |
1-3pm |
Help Desk |
AMDC106 |
Monday 17 February |
1–3pm |
Help Desk |
AMDC106 |
Wednesday 19 February |
1–2pm |
Accommodation Workshop |
ATC420 |
Friday 21 February |
1–3pm |
Help Desk |
AMDC106 |
Monday 24 February |
2.30pm – 4pm |
Help Desk |
AMDC106 |
Wednesday 26 February |
2.30pm– 4pm |
Help Desk |
AMDC106 |
Friday 28 February |
1–2pm |
Accommodation Workshop |
ATC420 |
Monday 3 March |
1–3pm |
Help Desk | AMDC106 |
Wednesday 5 March |
1–3pm |
Help Desk |
AMDC106 |
Friday 7 March |
1–3pm | Help Desk | AMDC106 |
New to Swinburne? See you at Orientation
We are running an Accommodation Help Desk for commencing international students attending Semester 1 Orientation.
Find us on Monday 24 February and Wednesday 26 February in AMDC106 – we'll be there between 2.30pm and 4pm.