Get ready to start your journey with us

The Indigenous Student Services team hosts an orientation program for Indigenous students at the beginning of each semester. Orientation for Indigenous students is a fantastic opportunity to connect with the team, meet fellow Indigenous students, learn the essentials of life at university and engage in grounding cultural activities and more. Catering is provided for Indigenous students participating in orientation.

The Moondani Toombadool Centre hosts an orientation program for Indigenous students starting their study at Swinburne.

Orientation is an excellent opportunity to develop new friendships from the start of your studies at Swinburne.

How do I register?

To register your interest or request an invitation to attend an Indigenous student orientation, please contact the team at

Email us
Orientation Week at Swinburne

Make sure to browse everything Swinburne has to offer during Orientation Week to help you understand your course, connect to other students and clubs, explore the campus and more.

Learn more
Indigenous student orientation for Swinburne Online students

Swinburne Online students will be invited to a virtual Indigenous student orientation at the start of each teaching period.

Explore more

The story of this painting named Awabakal is underpinned by the four principles of the Indigenous Student Charter, which are expressed as four message sticks holding the knowledges of Being and Becoming, Being and Belonging, Cultural Responsiveness, and Indigenous Perspectives and Standpoints.

The emu and kangaroo tracks

The tracks on the message sticks represent the students' journey forward mimicking the gait of the emu and kangaroo as they are both only able to walk forward.

The manna gum leaves

The leaves represent our connection to land, the beautiful lands of the Wurundjeri people.

The circle

The circle supporting the message sticks represents the coming together to listen and learn to share building strong relationships and understanding the importance of a diverse range of cultural knowledge and perspectives that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students bring.

The red space

The red space represents the importance of nurturing a sense of belonging for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their connections to Mother Earth. The different surrounding dots are supportive of the unique relationship with the wider Swinburne community encouraging connectivity, inclusivity and a profound sense of belonging.

The tree

The tree symbolises a holistic way of teaching and shared ways of being connected. It incorporates growth and an inclusive learning environment.

The journey pathway

The pathway across the painting represents the students' journey, their ways of walking together and respectful shared connections. The circles along the pathways promote active participation and engagement through empowering self-confidence, courage, resilience and strength along their pathways to success.

Contact the Moondani Toombadool Centre

If you have any questions about our programs and services, contact the Indigenous Student Services team at

Email us