Melbourne International Games Week launches at Swinburne
In Summary
Asia Pacific’s largest digital games event, Melbourne International Games Week (MIGW), was today launched at Swinburne University of Technology’s Hawthorn campus.
With Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews officially opening MIGW, Swinburne hosted guests from Creative Victoria, Microsoft Australia, Vic Health and the Game Developer’s Association of Australia.
Running from 23 October-1 November, MIGW brings together a range of business, education and entertainment games events running throughout Melbourne.
During the launch, Swinburne also announced a new partnership with the Game Developer’s Association of Australia.
This partnership will give Swinburne’s second and third year Games and Interactivity students access to The Arcade, a game development hub in Melbourne’s CBD.
They will have the opportunity to network with over 80 resident game developers and be surrounded by more than 30 game development studios.
Swinburne is playing a large role in Melbourne International Games Week and is involved in a range of events.
The Advanced Manufacturing and Design Centre will host the Microsoft More Personal Computing Hackathon, a 48 hour event that asks coders and developers to work in teams around the clock to develop a suite of applications that address health challenges, using Microsoft technologies.
Running from tonight, the teams will have access to devices including Microsoft Band, Kinect, Azure and Cortana.
Swinburne will also be the only Australian university to have a stall at PAX, the video game expo in the Southern Hemisphere.
Swinburne has been delivering Games courses to students for over eleven years and has produced over 600 graduates.
Interested in studying at Swinburne? Find out more about our courses in Games and Animation.