Victoria’s future industries start at Swinburne
In Summary
- Minister Lily D’Ambrosio announces $200 million Future Industries Fund
- Announcement made at Swinburne’s Factory of the Future
- Swinburne continues to work closely with sectors primed for growth
The Victorian Government today unveiled its blueprint for driving economic growth and creating new jobs for Victorians in priority sectors at Swinburne’s Hawthorn campus.
Industry Minister Lily D’Ambrosio released strategies to grow priority sectors of the Victorian economy – Victoria’s Future Industries – and announced a $20 million Sector Growth Program to support the strategies, under the government’s $200 million Future Industries Fund.
Industry Minister Lily D’Ambrosio touring the Factory of the Future.
“Advanced manufacturing is the heart of Victoria’s economic future,” says Swinburne’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Linda Kristjanson.
“It’s the key to raising the performance of Victorian firms for new growth, generating high value exports, and creating high-tech jobs.
“Swinburne has a strong track record in promoting cutting edge manufacturing and the Factory of the Future facility reflects our commitment.”
Sectors primed for growth
Focus sectors for the government’s strategy include medical technologies and pharmaceuticals, new energy technologies, food and fibre, defence technologies, construction technologies, transport technologies, international education and professional services.
These sectors have been chosen for their potential to deliver extraordinary economic growth for Victoria and the capacity to create high-skill, high wage jobs.
Swinburne initiatives
Swinburne is already working with these industry sectors through initiatives including:
- the Innovation Precinct, an entrepreneurship hub connecting students with research and industry.
- the Factory of the Future, a space that takes ideas from concept to reality.
- the Melbourne Design Factory, where students, industry and researchers create solutions focused on real user needs.
- the ARC Training Centre in Biodevices, which assists in developing the next generation of healthcare products.
Swinburne's Factory of the Future.
Creating pathways to high-skilled jobs
Swinburne recognises that the jobs of the future will need graduates who are ready for careers in emerging new industries.
The university is rolling out a major refresh of its academic programs including the creation of a suite of new professional degrees with embedded work placements.
The Swinburne Advantage, a modernisation of Work Integrated Learning opportunities, enhances the career prospects of graduates and ensures students have clear career pathways to high-skilled jobs.