Partnered research centres and training hubs
The Swinburne University of Technology 2025 Strategic Plan drives outstanding research that is relevant, impactful and internationally-recognised. Our involvement with our partnered research centres strengthens our reputation as a research-intensive university of international standing.
Producing outstanding research
Swinburne is a member of many Centres of Excellence, Cooperative Research Centres and Industrial Training Centres. These memberships allow us to further our contribution in key areas of research strength.
Centres of Excellence
Centres of Excellence funded through the Australian Research Council (ARC) and the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) support the conduct and development of high quality, collaborative research and its translation.
These prestigious centres bring together experts in areas of national importance. They are large, long-term projects that contribute to maintaining and improving Australia’s international research standing.
ARC and NHMRC Centres of Excellence undertake innovative research of international standing. They link existing Australian research to new networks that help achieve global competitiveness and recognition for Australian research.
The $31.3-million ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav) will capitalise on the first detections of gravitational waves to understand the extreme physics of black holes and warped space-time.
Hosted by Swinburne, OzGrav brings together the Australian pulsar and gravitational-wave communities in a focused national program and will enable a thousand-fold increase in detection volume and trigger a new era of gravitational wave astrophysics.
Professor Matthew Bailes

The $33.4-million ARC Centre of Excellence for Future Low Energy Electronics Technologies (FLEET) is administered by Monash with Swinburne and a number of agencies in Australia and overseas participating in the research. This centre will address the challenge of decreasing energy use by realising new types of electronic conduction without resistance in solid-state systems at room temperature.
Associate Professor Christopher Vale
Associate Professor Jeffrey Davis

The ARC Centre of Excellence in All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO3D) unifies over 200 world-leading astronomers to understand the evolution of the matter, light and elements from the Big Bang to the present day.
Associate Professor Emma Ryan-Weber
Distinguished Professor Karl Glazebrook

The Automated Decision-Making and Society (ADMS) Centre connects academic research, industry, government and the community sector to develop responsible, ethical and inclusive automated decision making systems - for the benefits of all Australians.
Associate Professor Anthony McCosker

The ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics (DMPP) represents the co-operation of physicists from across Australia, in partnership with key international researchers and institutions, to pursue the discovery and understanding of the nature of dark matter.

The NHMRC Australian Centre of Research Excellence for Electromagnetic Bio-effects Research (ACEBR) has embarked on a multidisciplinary five-year research program to address the most pressing radiofrequency (RF) radiation exposure questions to better protect the health of the Australian community.
Professor Andrew Wood

Cooperative Research Centres
Cooperative Research Centres (CRCs) enable Australian researchers from universities, the public sector and business to work together in diverse and creative ways to support collaboration between researchers, industry and the community.
Involvement in CRCs not only fosters research partnerships and knowledge-sharing but also leads to innovative solutions that improve how we live and work.
At Swinburne, we’re a member of a number of CRCs, which enable us to tackle real-word problems and access world-class research infrastructure and specialised facilities. Together with our partners we can take on large-scale economic, environmental and social challenges within Australia and around the world.
The Digital Health CRC seeks to conduct research into digital health and related industries, combining individual and collective expertise with data, information and telecommunication technologies. This CRC is in operation until 2025.
Swinburne expertise is aligned with the research theme of improving value, quality and safety through intelligent decision support through academic lead Professor Nilmini Wickramasinghe.

The Fight Food Waste CRC aims to improve the competitiveness, productivity and sustainability of the Australian food industry. This CRC is in operation until 2028.
Swinburne strength is across all three themes of the CRC (Reduce, Transform, and Engage), coordinated by Swinburne academic lead Professor Enzo Palombo.
Read about spin-off company, Viridi Innovations, who is extracting value from wine waste.

Future Energy Exports CRC (FEnEx CRC) aims to help sustain Australia’s position as a leading Liquefied Natural Gas exporter, and enable it to become the leading global Hydrogen exporter. This CRC is in operation until 2030.
Swinburne’s focus in this CRC is on Hydrogen Industry 4.0, with Swinburne academic lead Associate Professor Mahnaz Shafiei.

The Heavy Industry Low-carbon Transition (HILT) CRC aims to develop and demonstrate the technologies needed to mitigate CO2 emissions, transforming the heavy industry for a low-carbon economy. Involving 40+ partnership organisations connecting technology developers with end-users and other industries to respond to the dynamic nature of local and global challenges.
Swinburne brings expertise in civil engineering, materials engineering, mechanical engineering, product design engineering, computational science, chemistry and biotechnology. Lead academic for this CRC is Professor Geoffrey Brooks.

iMove CRC undertakes applied research in the transportation and mobility sector. This CRC is in operation until 2027.
Swinburne academic lead Professor Hussein Dia leads our expertise under this CRC in intelligent systems, end-to-end systems, and personal mobility.

SmartSat CRC (Smart Satellite) seeks to develop know-how and technologies in advanced telecommunications and IoT connectivity, intelligent satellite systems and Earth observation next generation data services. This CRC is in operation until 2026.
The Swinburne academic lead for this CRC is Professor Alan Duffy with a focus on observation analytics.

SmartCrete CRC undertakes research into the long-term viability of vital concrete infrastructure in Australia. This CRC is in operation until 2027.
Swinburne’s capability in this CRC focuses on engineering solutions, led by Swinburne academic lead Professor Jay Sanjayan.

ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centres and Hubs
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre for Advanced Technologies in Rail Track Infrastructure, aims to position Australia as a global leader in rail engineering through the development of innovative solutions and drive growth of the construction and manufacturing businesses servicing this industry.
Professor Arul Arulrajah
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Research Hub for Australian Steel Innovation’s overarching goal is to support the transition of Australia’s steel manufacturing industry to a more sustainable, competitive and resilient position, through the creation of new, higher value-added products and more advanced manufacturing processes.
Professor Geoffrey Brooks
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre for the Chemical Industries (ATCI), aims to improve chemical analytical and manufacturing capabilities, new biopharmaceuticals, enhanced global competitive advantages, and long-term growth and intellectual property development in the chemistry industry.
Professor Dean Lusher
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Collaborative Robotics in Advanced Manufacturing (the Australian Cobotics Centre) will build collaborative robotics capability within the Australian manufacturing industry. The Centre will also equip researchers and industry with the skills and expertise needed to apply the technology in order to manage the human and design factors, business adoption, management quality, and workforce issues that result from the implementation of new technology.
Nico Adams
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Industrial Transformation Research Hub for Future Digital Manufacturing (Digital Manufacturing Hub, DMH) is a $17 million initiative aimed at driving digital innovation in Australia's manufacturing sector. It is headquartered at Swinburne University of Technology and focuses on enhancing productivity, resilience, and competitiveness through technologies like digital twin, AI, Machine Learning, and IIoT. DMH also addresses limitations in existing Industry 4.0 technologies to deliver practical solutions and empower both industry and the research workforce1.
Professor Dimitrios Georgakopoulos
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre for Information Resilience (CIRES), aims to improve productivity and build workforce capacity in Australian organisations through the development of resilient data pipelines to enable data-driven transformation.
Associate Professor Amir Aryani
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre for Innovative BioEngineering (ARCTCIBE), will enable the next-generation of skilled graduates to overcome biological and medical challenges through application of engineering design and analysis. The centre will work to translate scientific discoveries into new treatments, therapeutics and technologies.
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Research Hub for Legumes for Sustainable Agriculture, aims to provide Australian growers and industrial stakeholders with improved plant materials to maximise production, environmental sustainability and profitability. In particular, the research aims to improve the nitrogen delivery capacity of legumes and their resilience to abiotic stress, which will be an important consideration as our climate changes.
Professor Mark Adams
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Research Hub for Nanoscience-based Construction Material Manufacturing (the Nanocomm Hub), aims to transform the Australian construction materials industry into an advanced manufacturing global market leader, through the development of novel construction materials that are sustainable and resilient.
Dr Morshed Alam
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Training Centre for Personalised Therapeutics Technologies (ARC CPTT), aims to advance and deploy new technologies that will remove long-standing barriers to new drug discovery and development, and provide opportunities for highly effective personalised treatments.
Dr Tatiana Kameneva
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Research Hub for Smart Next Generation Transport Pavements, provides a platform for the Australian pavement industry to innovate materials, designs and adaptive technologies, facilitate skill development, and drive commercial benefits.
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Industrial Transformation Training Centre in Surface Engineering for Advanced Materials (SEAM) is Australia’s premier manufacturing Research and Development centre that focuses on applied research with tangible outcomes to nurture and cultivate the industrial innovation leaders of tomorrow.
Vesna Stefanovski
The Australian Research Council (ARC) Research Hub for a World-class Future Fibre Industry, aims to accelerate the transformation of the Australian manufacturing industry by developing novel fibre technologies to facilitate more sustainable, advanced manufacturing of fibre materials and products that will impact on significant global issues, including reducing our environmental footprint and improving public health and wellbeing.
Professor Bronwyn Fox
Sustainable Communities and Waste Hub

The Hub, funded by the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Program, coordinates research to reduce the impact of plastic and enhance sustainable people-environment interactions, minimise impacts of hazardous substances and pollutants, and deliver cutting edge technical capabilities, particularly in the fields of waste and materials processing. Led by UNSW Sydney, Swinburne is a consortium member with CSIRO, Curtin University, Monash University and the University of Tasmania, and various industry partners.
Marcus White
Swinburne Node Leader
Victorian Circular Activator (VCA)
The Victorian Circular Activator (VCA) will provide a physical circular economy hub and catalyse activities including research, a business data platform, frameworks to support business collaboration, four business-focused capability-building programs and innovation showcases.
VCA is funded through The Recycling Victoria Innovation Fund by Sustainability Victoria. Swinburne University partners on the project with RMIT Activator (project lead), Circular Economy Victoria, and Planet Ark.
Magnus Moglia
Swinburne Chief Investigator

Collaborate and partner with us
Collaboration and partnerships
At Swinburne, we pride ourselves on building strong partnerships with all types of organisations, including industry, government, community organisations, not-for-profits, start-ups and entrepreneurs.
Achievements and success stories
We don’t just talk the talk — we walk the walk. Read about some of our key partnerships, programs and recent success stories.
Our latest research news
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Startups lead the way in innovation at 2024 Venture Cup Pitch Night
The 2024 Annual Venture Cup Pitch Night at Swinburne University of Technology celebrated the achievements of seven startups, marking the successful completion of their journey through Swinburne Innovation Studio's accelerator initiative, the Elevate Program.
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Close to $1M in funding for Swinburne industry-linked projects: 3D printing houses and conserving digital artefacts
Swinburne has received new funding for 3D printing earth houses and conserving digital artefacts.
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- Health
Swinburne driving medical ethics and bioethics education through International Chair in Bioethics network
Wednesday 16 October 2024 -
- Technology
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From custom-fit Hearables to dental devices: how H3D led a Swinburne alum to startup success
Swinburne alum Dr Philip Kinsella, co-founder and CTO of custom-fit devices startup H3D, shares the story of the company’s growth and evolution as a multi-industry innovator.
Tuesday 01 October 2024 -
- Astronomy
Explore the cosmos: Swinburne partners with NCM to launch space exhibition, Artificial Sky
Wednesday 18 September 2024
Contact the Swinburne Research team
Want to know more about the world-class research taking place at Swinburne University of Technology? Call +61 3 9214 4859 or email research@swinburne.edu.au to speak with the team.