Explore our aviation simulation lab

Equipped with powerful tools for simulating flight and airline operations centre scenarios, the Aviation Simulation Lab enables immersive learning for students, researchers and aviation professionals looking to further their training and development in industry. 

Led by our Aviation Department deputy chair, Associate Professor Tommy Cheung, the lab is a centre for aviation research, particularly third-year student capstone projects examining the risk factors of flying and pilot monitoring. 

On this page

Explore the lab

The Aviation Simulation Lab is a space for both the teaching and research of pilot training, aviation safety and airline operations management.

Using the lab

Flight and airline operations centre simulations offer direct insight into the realities of working in the aviation industry. The space also operates as a hub for current students, prospective students and aviation industry professionals to connect. 

Take advantage of our simulated operations control centre for staff training purposes, utilise our flight simulator and biometric software to capture data relating to human risk factors, or get in touch about planning a school or company visit to our facility. 

As a third-year aviation or aviation management student, the lab will be a primary workspace for your capstone project. Use our A320 flight simulator and biometric software to observe pilot stress responses and eye movements during flight, and learn to understand and control the distractions encountered while flying. Modelled after Jetstar’s real airline operations centre, you’ll also practice true-to-industry aviation management scenarios in the lab’s simulated operations control centre. 

Related courses

Contact us

If you’re a PhD student, a professional or an organisation looking to partner with us or access our facility, please contact Dr Tommy Cheung: tommycheung@swinburne.edu.au

Get in touch


The Aviation Simulation Hub houses purpose-built technology for training in flying, airline operations and aviation safety, plus student projects and research. These include:

  • A320 flight simulator
  • 180-degree wrap-around projection screen
  • High-performance computers with dual monitors, Logitech 3D Pro Joysticks
  • Eye-tracking equipment
  • Garmin D2 Air X10 Aviator Smartwatches
  • CH flight yokes and rudder pedals 

Partner with Us

Get in touch about using our facility for professional development and training, educational programs, aviation research and more. Alternatively, connect your organisation with our students through collaborative, industry-linked projects.

Our partners

Contact our team

Whether you’re a PhD student, media, or an organisation looking to access our facility or partner with us, please contact Dr Tommy Cheungtommycheung@swinburne.edu.au

Contact us