Ultrafast Laser Labs
Part of the Optical Sciences Centre, this facility comprises the Spin Technology Industry Hub, the Module Assembly Lab, and a CUDOS Laser Lab.
Spin Technology Industry Hub
In this laboratory there are three different systems for integrated photonic devices testing, nonlinear optical experiments and Z-scan measurement. All three systems are used for device/material characterisation in the telecommunication band (1550 nm, near infrared (NIR) wavelengths).
First, there is a complete system for testing integrated photonic devices (made from silicon, silicon nitride, or silica via CMOS compatible fabrication processes). This system includes multi-functional coupling stages (Lumino) that can perform both butt coupling and vertical coupling; the fast-scanned continuous-wave (CW) laser (Keysight) and high-sensitivity photodetector (Keysight) that can perform spectrum scanning with a high resolution of 0.1 pm within a broad wavelength range from 1490 nm to 1640 nm; high-definition CCD imaging system (Navitar), optical spectrum analyser (Yokogawa) and RF spectrum analyser (Keysight) for spectral analysing in both optical and electrical domains; and many fibre optics components (for example: fibre cables, optical power meters, fibre cleavers, fibre couplers, fibre isolators, tunable optical attenuator, He-Ne laser, etc).
Second, there is a system for nonlinear optical experiments (such as four wave mixing or supper continuum), including a high-power dual-channel CW laser (Southern Photonics, maximum output power: 16 dBm), two high-power erbium doped fibre amplifiers (Pritel, maximum output power: 2 W), two tunable optical filters (0.8 nm and 3.2 nm bandwidth), and two fibre pulse lasers (Pritel, 180 fs~3.7 ps, 60 MHz, 25 mW).
Lastly, there is a complete system for Z-scan measurement in the telecommunications band, including an optical parametric oscillator (OPO) that can generate femtosecond pulses at both visible (VIS) and NIR wavelengths, two NIR detectors, two NIR cameras, a high-precise motor-controlled guide rail, and many spatial light coupling/splitting components (e.g., three-dimensional adjustable mounting stage, NIR and VIS polarizers, NIR and VIS objectives, chopper, NIR and VIS polarization beam splitters, NIR and VIS lens, etc).
Location: AMDC1005
- Coherent Chameleon Ultra II (4W, 680-1080nm, 80MHz, 140 fs)
- Coherent Mira OPO (800 mW, 500-750nm, 80MHz, 200 fs)
- Coherent Mira OPO (1.5 W, 1050-1600nm, 80MHz, 200fs)
- Optical Spectrum Analyzer (OSA- 600-1700nm-AQ6370D-Yokogawa)
- Tuneable Fast-Scanned Continuous-Wave (CW) laser (8164B-Keysight)
- Optical Power Meter (N7744A-Keysight)
Module Assembly Lab
The Module Assembly Lab is equipped with Spectra-Physics ultrafast lasers that offer new applications in a wide range of research, medical and industrial fields. Our high energy amplifiers are the light source of choice for leading scientists conducting cutting edge research in physical chemistry, high energy physics, material science, optoelectronics and other advanced applications.
Location: AMDC1014a
- Spectra Physics Spitfire (1W, 800nm, 1KHz, 100fs)
- Spectra Physics Empower (20W, 527nm, 1KHz, 100-300ns)
- Spectra Physics Millennia (5W, 532nm, CW)
- Spectra Physics Tsunami (2W, 690-1000nm, 80MHz, 100fs)
- Spectra Physics OPA-800C (100mW, 1100-2600nm, 1KHz, 130fs)
Centre of Excellence: CUDOS Laser Lab
This lab is equipped with the Chameleon Ultra laser that is the main component of the Multiphoton imaging research. Industry-leading power and tuning range further expand possibilities in ultrafast spectroscopy and non-linear materials studies.
The APE OPO is an Optical Parametric Oscillator synchronously pumped by a modelocked Ti:Sapphire laser. The OPO is designed for a highly efficient frequency transformation from the Ti:Sapphire range from 1000 nm to 1600 nm (signal) and further to 3.4 μm for the idler wavelength. The Ring version of the OPO additionally offers highly efficient intracavity SHG generation of the IR OPO signal to the visible wavelength ranged (VIS 505-750 nm).
Location: AS115a
- Coherent Chameleon (4 W, 680-1080nm, 80MHz, 140fs)
- Coherent Mira OPO (800mW, 500-750nm, 80MHz, 200fs)
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Optical Sciences Centre
The Optical Sciences Centre conducts research addressing scientific and technological challenges in the domain of optical sciences spanning classical and quantum photonics, light–matter interactions, nanotechnology, biomedical and biosciences, quantum gases and quantum materials.
Contact the Ultrafast Laser Laboratory team
If you have any questions about this facility please contact Dan Kapsaskis, Operations Manager for the Optical Sciences Centre facilities, on +61 3 9214 4884 or via dkapsaskis@swinburne.edu.au.