Manufacturing is a key capability of Swinburne University of Technology. We have been working with different industry sectors for several years. Our focus is to support our institutes and platforms to deliver successful outcomes for partners and achieve Swinburne 2025 vision and moon shots.  

Strategically positioned at the intersection of design, business, engineering and information systems, the Manufacturing Futures Research Platform uses advanced manufacturing integration in the global value chain to capture the benefits of design, Industry 4.0, robotics and sustainability in securing Australia’s industrial future.

We act as a conduit between research and industry to deliver complex solutions and bring world-leading expertise in advanced materials, industrial automation and robotics, advanced manufacturing, design and data science to:

  • develop high-value bespoke manufactured products

  • develop new materials and processes for smart products

  • increase the agility and productivity of Australia’s manufacturing base

  • integrate Australia’s know-how with the global value chain.

Our research

Our people

Our facilities

  • Modern hydrogen energy storage system accompaind by large solar power plant and wind turbine park in sunny summer afteroon light with blue sky and scattered clouds. 3d rendering.

    Victorian Hydrogen Hub

    In partnership with CSIRO and ARENA 2036, Swinburne’s Victorian Hydrogen Hub brings together the community to support sustainable manufacturing practices.

  • Swinburne-CSIRO National Industry 4.0 Testlab

    The Swinburne-CSIRO National Industry 4.0 Testlab conducts industrial scale multilayer 3D printing for near net composite manufacturing and solutions for automotive and aerospace parts, processes and systems.

  • Warehouse worker and supervisor looking at a tablet computer.

    Industrial Digital Transformation Hub

    Improve your productivity and quality, innovate your business model and create new revenue streams by connecting into global supply chains and enhancing your global competitiveness.

  • Woman playing with equipment in the Factory of the future building

    Factory of the Future

    The Factory of the Future (FoF) provides industry and organisations with Industry 4.0 transformation pathway and tools, and allows companies to learn digitalisation technologies and explore recent advances in automation of manufacturing.

Work with us

We have a talented team of researchers across a variety of disciplines who can work with you to solve complex problems on any scale.

If you have a challenge that needs an innovative, practical solution, contact us to discuss how we can work together to research and deliver just that!

Call us on +61 3 9214 5177 or email

Register your interest

Through our research we uncover innovative ideas and solutions that improve industry processes, safety, quality and competitiveness. We host workshops on these topics to open up collaboration and engage partners. To register your interest in attending, call us on +61 3 9214 5177 or email

Our events

  • Research
    • Innovation
    • Technology
    • Advanced Manufacturing
    • Engineering

    Manufacturing Futures Forum: Medical Technology Victoria (MedTechVic)

    In this forum, MedTechVic Co-Directors, Professors Sally McArthur and Rachael McDonald, will provide an overview of MedTechVic and discuss the opportunities available for creating an Assistive Technology (AT) manufacturing sector in Australia. 

    Tue 17 May
    11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
    Dollar Sign
    Register now (Manufacturing Futures Forum: Medical Technology Victoria (MedTechVic))
  • Research
    • Innovation
    • Sustainability
    • Advanced Manufacturing
    • Business

    Decarbonising steel industries using hydrogen energy

    In this presentation, Dr Admmad will outline the possible routes to decarbonise the steel industry and the technoeconomic of hydrogen integrated steel manufacturing. 

    Wed 22 June
    4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
    Dollar Sign
    Register now (Decarbonising steel industries using hydrogen energy)
  • Research
    • Technology
    • Sustainability
    • Advanced Manufacturing
    • Business

    Victorian Hydrogen Hub Hydrogen Readiness Program: Demystifying Hydrogen

    In this forum, Dr Daniel Roberts will provide basic information about hydrogen, demystify hydrogen, explain the colour spectrum of hydrogen (including green, blue, brown and grey), and discuss the current challenges and opportunities associated with the adoption of hydrogen.

    Tue 3 May
    11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
    Dollar Sign
    Register now (Victorian Hydrogen Hub Hydrogen Readiness Program: Demystifying Hydrogen)
  • Research
    • Technology
    • Sustainability
    • Advanced Manufacturing
    • Business

    Victorian Hydrogen Hub Hydrogen Readiness Program: Social Licencing & Communication

    In this forum, Dr Kim Beasy will provide key insights and perspectives around accepting and adopting hydrogen within the Australian context, taking into account cases within the social license context. 

    Fri 6 May
    11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
    Dollar Sign
    Register now (Victorian Hydrogen Hub Hydrogen Readiness Program: Social Licencing & Communication)
  • Research
    • Innovation
    • Technology
    • Industry 4.0
    • Engineering

    Manufacturing Futures Forum: Future digital manufacturing

    In this forum members from the Swinburne Factory of the Future and Digital Innovation Lab will discuss capabilities of their facilities, and present with use cases, an overview of the spectrum of industry sectors serviced by them.

    Thu 28 April
    11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
    Dollar Sign
    Register now (Manufacturing Futures Forum: Future digital manufacturing)

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Contact the Manufacturing Futures Research Platform

If your organisation would like to collaborate with us to solve a complex problem, or you simply want to contact our team, get in touch by calling +61 3 9214 5177 or emailing

Contact us