About Nathan

Following footsteps

Nathan's direction in study and career has always been clear, but it is not without challenges.

Breaking barriers

Nathan perseveres to keep going despite his ADHD diagnosis and discovers a solution.

Crafting success

Nathan is now in control as he approaches his final weeks from becoming a fully qualified carpenter.

A hidden obstacle along the way

After four years of working towards becoming a carpenter, Nathan knows how discouraging it is to encounter barriers while studying. He was struggling – sometimes thinking that he would not get through his course.

Despite an avid interest in working with his hands and a drive to follow in his father's footsteps, Nathan found the theoretical aspect of his course difficult. "I could sit there and fully listen to my teacher, but I still could not store anything inside my head," he says.

Nathan realised that he was always distracted by something. Understanding theories was integral to pass the course and complete the certification. Without it, Nathan would not be able to become a fully qualified carpenter.

Unexpected support from classmates

After being diagnosed with ADHD partway through his course, Nathan better understood the obstacles he encountered. The diagnosis was big for Nathan, however, obtaining the diagnosis was not a fix-all for his challenges in study.

Nathan says, "I still had to stick to it and not be afraid to ask for help." Looking to a variety of sources and staying dedicated to his goal, he found ways to remain engaged with study. "How my mates explained a concept to me was easier to understand, because we're at the same level."

"As I got into carpentry more and fell in love with it more, I actually enjoyed the theories."

Steady steps to the finish line

By taking control of his learning methods, Nathan's passion was renewed. "As I got into carpentry more and fell in love with it more, I actually enjoyed the theories. I figured out what I thought I would not need to know," he says.

Nathan will be a fully qualified carpenter in six months – aiming to start his own business one day. His advice for other students struggling is to persevere. "Stick to it and don't give up," he says.

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