Research Training Program Fees-Offset (Domestic) {formerly Research Training Scheme}

Applications are open   Local students   Future students

Local students applying for a place in a higher degrees by research (HDR) program will automatically be considered for an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Fees-Offset (Domestic) scholarship. 

Courses eligible

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Psychology, Master by Research

Eligibility / selection criteria

  • Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident or New Zealand citizen
  • Enrolled in a research higher degree course on a full-time or part-time basis
  • Not be receiving an equivalent award or scholarship from the Commonwealth designed to offset HDR fees


Covers the cost of research tuition fees up to a maximum of four years full-time equivalent for doctoral students and two years for research masters

How to apply

Please follow the step-by-step application process.

Further Information:

Please refer to the following links for more information about the Research Training Program and relevant Swinburne policy


Graduate Research Office