Architectural Engineering Studio Project 2
This unit builds on student's knowledge from the Architectural Engineering Studio. It continues the evolution of design studio content into more diverse methods of integrating engineering and design processes. Students will learn how to navigate the complex task of managing iterative design tasks with engineering precision for innovative environmental sustainable design solutions particularly using facade engineering principles. Students will learn to discover how to clearly define problem statements around a design challenge. They will develop complex design and communication skills through design iterations and drawing sets used for studio feedback sessions.
DDD10006 Introductory Design Studio
PHY10001 Energy and Motion
DDD10006 Introductory Design Studio
ARC20004 Architectural Engineering Studio 2
Learning outcomes
Students who successfully complete this unit will be able to:
- Identify and evaluate existing technologies, simulation techniques and computational systems relevant to the studio brief. (K2, K3, S1, A6)
- Respond to the studio brief through their further knowledge of materials, forms, energy systems and technology. (K1, K3, K4)
- Interpret sophisticated environmental analysis for successful communication. (K1, K2, K3, S1, S3, A2)
- Formulate a design approach, or choice of system(s). (K4, S1, S3)
- Create a design response to the thermal performance of materials and space. (S2, S3, A2)
- Review the broad ethical, environmental and economic issues in architectural engineering. (K5, A1, A5)
- Critically review issues of human comfort, health, safety, security in the context of architectural engineering. (K5, A4)
- Communicate solutions via high quality drawings, 3D digital models and physical models. (A2, S4)
- Effectively participate in studio activities involving weekly critiques, presentations and peer-to-peer feedback (A2, A5, A6)
Teaching methods
Type | Hours per week | Number of weeks | Total (number of hours) |
On Campus Studio |
2.00 | 12 weeks | 24 |
On Campus Studio |
2.00 | 12 weeks | 24 |
Online Learning Activities |
1.00 | 12 weeks | 12 |
Unspecified Activities Independent Learning |
4.00 | 10 weeks | 40 |
Unspecified Activities Independent Learning |
4.17 | 12 weeks | 50 |
TOTAL | 150 |
Type | Task | Weighting | ULO's |
Final Portfolio | Individual | 55 - 65% | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 |
Minor Design Project | Individual | 15 - 25% | 1,2,3,4,8,9 |
Minor Design Project | Individual | 15 - 25% | 4,5,6,7,8,9 |
- Architectural engineering design, theory, and philosophy.
- Examine critical sustainable design issues.
- 3D modelling, simulation, analysis and interpretation for Environmental Sustainable Design (ESD) applications.
- Explorative and iterative techniques of engineering analysis, simulation and feedback to inform design.
- Qualitative and quantitative design communication of environmental sustainable systems.
Study resources
Reading materials
A list of reading materials and/or required textbooks will be available in the Unit Outline on Canvas.