
This unit aims to provide students with real world socially responsible projects that address the needs, abilities and unique contexts of specific communities, either local or international. Students will develop user-centered, real-world projects, aiming to ensure that they are aware of the consequences of their actions, their ability to contribute to the future betterment of societies combined with a focus on conservation of environmental resources. Further to this, the unit builds on concepts of sustainable design by introducing a range of Design for Environment (DfE) philosophies and strategies.


DID20002 Materials and Processes


150 credit points in:

BH-DESIND1 Bachelor of Design (Industrial Design)(Honours)


BA-DESIND2 Bachelor of Design (Industrial Design)


BA-DESIND3 Bachelor of Design (Industrial Design)


DID10003 Product CAD: 3D Modelling


DPD20001 Digital Modelling

Teaching periods
Start and end dates
Last self-enrolment date
Census date
Last withdraw without fail date
Results released date
Date Semester 2
Start and end dates
Last self-enrolment date
Census date
Last withdraw without fail date
Results released date

Learning outcomes

Students who successfully complete this unit will be able to:

  • Describe research findings, articulate problems, examine existing design solutions and evaluate their suitability
  • Investigate a specific community and synthesise knowledge into user-centred, socio-culturally environmentally appropriate proposals
  • Create an innovative and socially responsible design outcome to a real-world scenario, taking into account local materials, local cultures, and social and environmental sustainability
  • Produce 3D studies to help in refining designs
  • Examine and critically evaluate proposals based on user, socio- cultural and DFE philosophies and strategies

Teaching methods


Activity Type  Activity Total Hours Number of Weeks Hours Per Week  Venue Type and Activity Detail
On-campus Studio 36 12 weeks  3 6 weeks studio and 6 weeks protolab
Specified Activities  Various 36 12 weeks 3  
Unspecified Activities Independent Learning 78 12 weeks 6.5 Independent study, assignment preparation, revision project work
Total Hours:    150 Total Hours (per week): 12.5  


Type Task Weighting ULO's
Project 1Individual/Group 30% 1,2 
Project 2Individual/Group 70% 3,4,5 


Students will work towards a design project derived from a user-centred context. Topics for discussion may include:

  • Investigation, concept development, and the application of design methodologies in the context of human-machine/artefact interaction and/or System and Service Design
  • Analysis of existing products, functions, performance, and construction
  • Understanding your user(s) and the context in which they operate
  • Undertaking forms of empathetic investigation design methods to develop Socially Responsible Design outcomes
  • Prototyping production techniques and use of workshop facilities and equipment
  • Design for Environment (DfE): Eco philosophies, guidelines, tools and strategies, life cycle thinking and analysis, and Industrial Design best practice.
  • Graduate Attribute – Teamwork Skills: Teamwork roles and processes

Study resources

Reading materials

A list of reading materials and/or required textbooks will be available in the Unit Outline on Canvas.