
This unit introduces students to various social and cultural understandings of ‘privacy’ and how they are articulated into ‘privacy law’. The goal is to give students a theoretically sophisticated understanding of the different social and legal understandings of privacy; the values that privacy law protects, the historical evolution of different privacy protecting legal actions; the way gender, race, sex and class influence experiences and meanings of ‘privacy’; and privacy’s increasingly complex relationship with media, technology and surveillance. The evolution of privacy law is also considered.


LAW20038 Privacy and Surveillance Law


75 credit points in Law units

Teaching periods
Start and end dates
Last self-enrolment date
Census date
Last withdraw without fail date
Results released date

Learning outcomes

Students who successfully complete this unit will be able to:

  • Analyse and evaluate contemporary debates over the role and nature of privacy law
  • Examine privacy law’s relationship to government and commercial entities
  • Discuss the development and evolution of privacy law in its historical and social context
  • Conduct effective legal research of both primary and secondary legal materials, as well as relevant interdisciplinary materials

Teaching methods


Type Hours per week Number of weeks Total (number of hours)
3.00 12 weeks 36
1.00 12 weeks 12
Unspecified Activities
Independent Learning
8.50 12 weeks 102


Type Task Weighting ULO's
PresentationIndividual 20 - 40% 2,3,4 
Research EssayIndividual 60 - 80% 1,2,4 
PresentationIndividual 20 - 40% 2,3,4 
Research EssayIndividual 60 - 80% 1,2,4 
PresentationIndividual 20 - 40% 2,3,4 
Research EssayIndividual 60 - 80% 1,2,4 


  • The purpose of privacy protection
  • Privacy and technology
  • The history and evolution of various privacy ideas and actions
  • The subject of privacy (gender, race, sex, class)
  • Privacy and institutional/social media
  • Data, profiling & identifiability
  • Privacy and countervailing/competing interests
  • Research skills

Study resources

Reading materials

A list of reading materials and/or required textbooks will be available in the Unit Outline on Canvas.