
Students will develop practice-ready skills for evaluating and working with complex individuals, technologies and systems. They will explore and analyse a range of technologies and technology-related strategies to solve occupational issues, and consider how to evidence these outcomes. Students will apply a systems lens to critically analyse the impact of service delivery contexts on their practice. Students will develop quality improvement and enterprise-related skills which are applicable to real world contexts.

Teaching periods
Start and end dates
Last self-enrolment date
Census date
Last withdraw without fail date
Results released date
HE Block 1
Start and end dates
Last self-enrolment date
Census date
Last withdraw without fail date
Results released date

Learning outcomes

Students who successfully complete this unit will be able to:

  • Select and apply appropriate models and frameworks to understand assistive technology and environmental intervention practice with people with disabilities
  • Articulate the importance of the occupational therapy competency standards and their own development of competence as well as of safe, ethical, culturally responsive, culturally safe, lawful, and accountable practice
  • Analyse and evaluate opportunities for innovation and enterprise
  • Identify and apply quality improvement measures and outcomes tools in practice

Teaching methods


Activity Type Activity Total Hours Number of Weeks Hours Per Week Venue Type and Activity Detail
Specified Activities Various 30 4 weeks 7.5 Resource portfolio development
Unspecified Activities Independent Learning 60 5 weeks 12 Independent study, Assignment preparation, Revision
On-campus Lecture 7 3 weeks 2.33 Lecture 1 - 1 hour x 3 Total Hours = 3; Lecture 2 - 2 hours x 2 Total Hours = 4
Online Modules 10 4 weeks 2.5  
On-campus Workshop 26 4 weeks 6.5 Workshop 1- 1 hour x 3 Total Hours =3; Workshop 2- 6 hours x 1 Total Hours = 6; Workshop 3- 2 hours x 3 Total Hours = 6; Workshop 4- 4 hours x 2 Total Hours =8; Workshop 5- 3 hours x 1 Total Hours = 3
On-campus Class 16 4 weeks 4 Class 1- 2 hours x 6 Total Hours=12; Class 2-1.5 x 2 hours Total Hours = 3; Class 3-1 hour x 1 Total Hours= 1
On-campus Lab 1 1 week 1  
Total Hours: 150 Total Hours (per week): 35.83  


Type Task Weighting ULO's
Final PortfolioIndividual 40% 
Portfolio Video PackageIndividual 30% 2,3,4 
ReportGroup 30% 


  • Collaborative practice strategies to work with individuals and groups with disabilities
  • Assistive technology
  • Policy and practice contexts
  • Quality improvement and outcome measurement
  • Splinting

Study resources

Reading materials

A list of reading materials and/or required textbooks will be available in the Unit Outline on Canvas.