Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure and Digital Construction
Discover how we’re leading the way in the field of infrastructure research.
Infrastructure is critical to the economic wellbeing of Australia. It underpins the delivery of essential services, drives economic growth, supports social needs and is closely linked to the high quality of life enjoyed by the developed world.
The Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure and Digital Construction provides a focus for multi-disciplinary research in the field of civil infrastructure with emphasis on sustainability and digital technologies. This involves the provision of new infrastructure in an environmentally sustainable and cost-effective manner along with helping extend the service life of ageing infrastructure and digital technologies during construction.
Our people
Meet our experienced team of leaders, academic staff and PhD students.
Amog Consulting
ARB Corporation Limited
Arup Group
Association of Consulting Structural Engineers Victoria
AusNet Services
Australian Building Codes Board
Bisitecnicks Pty Ltd
Bo and Assocaites (Canada)
CAST Australia
Charyong Kamai (Thailand)
City of Monash
Corrs Lawyers
Embelton Ltd
EON Reality Pte Ltd Singapore
Freyssinet Australia
Frontline Australia
Fulton Hogan
Fyfe Asia
GCE Consulting Engineers
GeoFrontiers Group
Geotesta Pty Ltd
Geovert Australia
Glencore Coal Assets Aust
Green Buildings
Grocon Pty Ltd
Groundline Australia Pty Ltd
Hawk Measurement Systems Pty Ltd
Hickory Building Systems
Hilti Australia
Hobson Engineering
Huntsman (Australia) Pty Ltd
Iccons Pty Ltd
ITW Buildex
ITW Construction Systems
K20 Architecture
Metropolitan Fire Brigade
Mine Timber Technology (MTT) Aust
Mitek Australia Ltd
MULTIPLEX Engineering Innovations Group
National Association of Steel-framed Housing
National Gallery of Victoria
Nexans Olex Australia
Powercor Australia Ltd
RallySpeed,Frontline Pty Ltd
Ramset Australia
RJB Industries
Rondo Building Services Pty Ltd
Select Plant Hire
Sika Australia
Simpson Construction Co
Simpson Strong-Tie
Simpson's Engineering
Snugfit Australia
Speedpanel Holdings Pty Ltd
SRG Limited
Steel Frame Company
Stretford Civil Construction Pty Ltd
Tigerspider Pty Ltd
Timberworks Pty Ltd
Toyota Australia
Turf One Pty Ltd
United Energy
URBNSURF Developments (Melbourne) Pty Ltd
Urbnsurf Melbourne
USG Boral
USG Global
Victorian Building Authority
Worley Parsons Limited
Wurth Austrlia Pty Ltd
Yarra Trams
Research facilities
The Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure and Digital Construction has extensive state-of-the-art facilities to support the researchers and industry partners for construction innovations and implementations.

Geotechnical Laboratory

Smart Structures Laboratory

Digital Construction Laboratory

iHUB National Urban Research Platform
Geotechnical Laboratory
Smart Structures Laboratory
Digital Construction Laboratory
iHUB National Urban Research Platform
Study with us
Civil Engineering
Civil engineering is a pillar of modern society — literally. Learn to plan, design, construct and maintain infrastructure in our civil engineering courses. -
Construction Management
Construction is more than just building something. It takes a fundamental understanding of design, maintenance and management to enable efficient, safe and effective construction — the kind of understanding you’ll gain through our construction courses.
Explore other research centres
Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing
Centre for Design Innovation
Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science
Centre for Mental Health and Brain Sciences
Centre for Quantum Technology Theory
Centre for Social Impact Swinburne
Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure and Digital Construction
Centre for Transformative Media Technologies
Centre for Translational Atomaterials
National Centre for Reconciliation Practice
Optical Sciences Centre
Contact the Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure and Digital Construction
There are many ways to engage with us. Whether you’re a PhD student, from the media or an organisation looking to form a partnership, contact the Centre on +61 3 9214 8455 or via csidc@swinburne.edu.au.