Ready. Set. Prep  

Get the skills and info you need to thrive at uni with this series of specially curated multi-day workshops.

Our Student Essentials Program runs over two days: 

Day 1: Tuesday 16 July 

Day 2: Wednesday 17 July

Each session provides you with practical resources and helps you understand the support services available to you as a Swinburne student.  

You’ll also pick up a few life hacks – like how to stay motivated – and leave with a booster shot of confidence.  

Check if this program is right for you 

The Student Essentials Program is designed for students starting an undergraduate (bachelor) degree for the first time – whether you're new to university or returning to study after a break. 

How to get involved 

Browse the workshop schedule and then use the form on this page to register your attendance. 

Workshop schedule

Day 1: Tuesday 16 July

Join us on-campus in the Advanced Manufacturing & Design Centre (AMDC), Levels 3 and 5.

Don't forget to register

Connect with other students and kickstart your university journey while we provide your morning tea.

Crack the code of uni life with insider tips from student leaders on staying motivated, preparing for study and accessing Swinburne services.

Learn all about Swinburne clubs and volunteer opportunities to connect with others who share your interests.

Even the most organised people will encounter a few bumps in the road now and then. Life happens, so in this session, we’ll discuss the best ways to bounce back into your studies when things don’t go as planned.

In this busy start of your journey at university, it’s important to have an effective environment to fall back on for studying. With tips and tricks from student leaders, this session will teach you how to establish your own study spot on campus and set up a productive study space at home. 

The assignments and teaching techniques you’ll encounter at university are drastically different from high school. Under the guidance of Swinburne students, this session will teach you how to take effective notes during lectures, study efficiently outside of class and prepare for a variety of assessments.  

Whether you’re returning to higher education or beginning your journey at university, this session is the perfect opportunity to get valuable info from a mature-aged student leader about settling here at Swinburne.

Hosted by international students, this session will provide you valuable insights into moving overseas for university, including how to find part-time work, accommodation and more.

Day 2: Wednesday 17 July

Join us on campus in AMDC301, Advanced Manufacturing & Design Centre (AMDC).

Don't forget to register.

Connect with other students and kickstart your university journey while we provide your morning tea.

Pursue the many opportunities at Swinburne to expand your resume and professional experiences, including placements and overseas internships.

Join the student leaders as they provide crucial advice for first-year students and host an interactive discussion – bring any burning questions you have about starting out at university.

Explore the library’s essential resources for assessments and important services, including IT and laptop hire. 

Balancing your studies with work and other commitments is an art. Join us in breaking down your unique type of motivation and how it influences the way you manage your time in both your academic and personal life.

Managing stress and anxiety is a vital skill for getting through the semester but it can be a difficult one to master. Head over to this entertaining session as we show you how to overcome the pressures of life as a student, whether you’re worried about settling into university or preparing for assessments. 

Keep exploring

Unable to attend the Student Essentials Program? Or are you ready to discover what else is on? Take a look. 

  • Orientation

    Orientation helps you get started at Swinburne and settle into university life. During Orientation we will provide you with handy tips and resources to help you prepare for study.