Profile image for Abigail Sheed

Dr Abigail Sheed

Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Childrens Court Clinic (CCC) Project


Abigail is a postdoctoral research fellow with dual roles at the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science and the Victorian Children's Court Clinic. She completed her Doctor of Psychology (Clinical and Forensic) at Swinburne University of Technology in 2022, with her doctoral thesis aimed at improving understanding, and risk assessment, of family violence use among Australian adolescents and young adults. She conducts research on the topics of adolescent antisocial behaviour, family violence, child maltreatment, and risk assessment. She has particular research and clinical interests in understanding, assessing and treating child and youth problem behaviour - including violent, sexual, and general criminal behaviour - and the application of research to policy and practice. 

In addition to her research role, Abigail is a registered psychologist who has worked across both the public and private mental health sectors. She is currently employed at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health (Foreniscare) where she works across hospital, prison, and community forensic mental health settings. 

Research interests

Risk Assessment; Family Violence; Youth Antisocial Behaviour; Child Maltreatment; Violence; Forensic Mental Health

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Co-Supervisor.


Also published as: Sheed, Abigail; Sheed, A.; Sheed, Abigail T.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2023: Enhancing risk assessment practice at the Victorian Children’s Court Clinic *; Victorian Legal Services Board Grants Program

* Chief Investigator

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