Profile image for Deborah Batterham

Dr Deborah Batterham

Postdoctoral Research Fellow


I have worked as a homelessness researcher based in the Specialist Homelessness Sector for nearly 20 years.
In that time I have conducted numerous research projects on homelessness using qualitative and quantitative methods and have extensive experience undertaking interviews and focus groups with people with lived experience, SHS staff, advocates, policymakers and other stakeholders.  I am interested in quantitative work on homelessness and understanding the broader structural factors that drive aggregate rates of homelessness and the spatial dynamics of homelessness.
I am also interested in the different ways we might conceptualize and theorize about homelessness and social justice and I am passionate about improving service delivery and policy to prevent, reduce and address homelessness.
In my research work I aim to produce robust evidence to
• Advocate for, improve policy responses and services for, people experiencing homelessness.
• Increase understanding of homelessness – particularly it’s geography and connection to broader structural factors such as the housing market, institutional arrangements and a range of government policy areas, and poverty
• Contribute to a more just society where homelessness will be ended

My PhD (awarded 2020) examined homelessness, risk of homelessness and private rental markets in Australia. 

Research interests

Housing and Urban Studies; Philosophy; Sociology

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Co-Supervisor.

Fields of Research

  • Social Policy - 440712
  • Housing Policy - 440707
  • Urban Policy - 440714


Also published as: Batterham, Deborah; Batterham, D.; Batterham, Deb
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2023: A continued shift? Learnings from the public health response to COVID-19 and homelessness *; AHURI National Housing Research Program - Research Projects
  • 2023: The changing geography of homelessness in Australia (2001-2021) and its structural drivers *; Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Fund Scheme
  • 2022: Investigative Panel on understanding poverty in Australian housing Intended start *; Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Fund Scheme
  • 2021: Crisis Accommodation in Australia - Now and for the Future *; AHURI National Housing Research Program - Research Projects
  • 2020: Estimating the population at risk of homelessness in small areas, 2016 *; AHURI National Housing Research Program - Research Projects
  • 2018: Understanding the changing geography of homelessness in Australia (2001-2016) *; AHURI National Housing Research Program - Research Projects
  • 2015: AHURI top-up scholarship *; AHURI Postgraduate Research Scholarship Top-Up

* Chief Investigator