Profile image for Jennifer Cutri

Dr Jennifer Cutri

Lecturer in Early Childhood Education
Doctor of Philosophy, Monash University, Australia


Dr Jennifer Cutri is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Education, School of Social Sciences, Media, Film and Education, Swinburne University of Technology. She is currently the Course Director for the Bachelor of Education Early Childhood Teaching and Bachelor of Education Studies. During her six years in the department, Jennifer has lectured and Unit-Convened various units in the Bachelor of Early Childhood and Primary, Masters of Primary, and Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Teaching courses. 

Inspired by her background as an international teacher in Hong Kong and completing her Master's thesis on international schools in Hong Kong, Jennifer expanded her research into the Chinese educational context. Her doctoral thesis, "The Localisation of Australian Elite Education within China: A Case-Study of Various Social Actors’ Experiences at a Sino-Australian Senior School”, presents a case study of an Australian international school in China. The study focuses on the experiences of teachers, students, parents, and alumni involved with the school’s Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) programme. Her research demonstrates the importance of cultural context, with significant implications for the Sino-Australian educational relationship. 

Jennifer has disseminated works in international education and intercultural competence, doctoral writing skills, autoethnography, and academic integrity. Her works contribute valuable insights into the intercultural aspects and globalisation within doctoral education. She also focuses on the impact of collegiate writing networks to mitigate the challenges of academic writing. Her predominant research interests lie in the sociology of international education, particularly exploring the transnational flow of educators, students, and curriculum within the Asia-Pacific region. 

Research interests

Sociology; Early Childhood Education; International Education; Teacher Agency; International Student Mobility

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Co-Supervisor.


Available to supervise honours students.

Fields of Research

  • Sociology Of Education - 390203
  • Early Childhood Education - 390302
  • Comparative And Cross-cultural Education - 390401

Teaching areas

Early Childhood Education;Primary Education


Also published as: Cutri, Jennifer; Cutri, J.
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