Profile image for Kaneez Fizza

Dr Kaneez Fizza

Research Fellow


Dr. Kaneez Fizza is a Research Fellow at Swinburne University of Technology. Her research interests are in the areas of the Internet of Things (IoT), Industry 4.0, Advance Manufacturing, Distributed Systems, Fog/Edge Computing, and Data analytics. In this current role, her research focus is on the development of novel IoT solutions to industry problems.
Dr. Fizza obtained her PhD from Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, in 2023. Her PhD thesis is focused on evaluating the quality of IoT applications, particularly the quality of  such applications which have minimal/no human intervention. Prior to her PhD, she did Masters by Research in the Deaprtment of Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institute of Tehnology (IIT) Ropar, India. Her Master's thesis is focused on proposing scheduling algorithms for heterogeneous fog/edge networks.

Research interests

IoT; Distributed Systems; Edge/Fog Computing; Industry 4.0; Data Analytics; Advance Manufacturing

Fields of Research

  • Cyberphysical Systems And Internet Of Things - 460603
  • Distributed Systems And Algorithms - 460605
  • Networking And Communications - 460609

Further information



Also published as: Fizza, Kaneez; Fizza, K.
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