Profile image for Marie Henshaw

Dr Marie Henshaw

Research Fellow
Doctor of Psychology (Clinical and Forensic Psychology), Swinburne University of Technology, Australia; Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Monash University, Australia; Bachelor of Arts, Monash University, Australia


Dr Marie Henshaw is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science, Swinburne University and a Clinical and Forensic Psychologist at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health (Forensicare) and in private clinical practice. She has previously conducted research into the interface between law enforcement and individuals with intellectual disability, as well as comprehensive research into the comparative offending and mental health characteristics of a large cohort of Australian child exploitation material offenders. Currently, her research is focused on developing and evaluating a novel treatment program for child exploitation material offenders, as well as enhancing risk assessment, case prioritisation, and clinical and legal intervention practices for online child sexual offenders. Dr Henshaw also has clinical expertise in the assessment and treatment of problem behaviours (e.g., sexual offending, violence, stalking, and arson), personality disorders and mental disorders, and has worked with both offenders and the general population across community, prison-based, and inpatient settings.

Research interests

Forensic Psychology; online child sexual exploitation; child sexual offending; problem behaviours; online sexual offending; forensic intervention; risk assessment

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Co-Supervisor.


Available to supervise honours students.

Fields of Research

  • Forensic Psychology - 520103


Also published as: Henshaw, Marie; Henshaw, M.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2019: Preventing repeat child exploitation material: A two-tiered psychological intervention approach *; Australian Institute of Criminology Research Grants

* Chief Investigator

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