Profile image for Ondine Bradbury

Ms Ondine Bradbury


Ondine is an accomplished educator with over 15 years of teaching and leadership experience. She is a Unit Convenor across three subjects within the Bachelor of Education degrees in the Department of Education. Her PhD is titled: Understanding the Development of Learning Specialists Using an Authentic Inquiry Approach. Her PhD research focuses on understanding the journeys and experiences of Learning Specialists in their roles, particularly how they navigate their role responsibilities, their interactions with various stakeholders, and their journey into personal and professional development. It also examines the systemic challenges they face, their strategies for overcoming obstacles, and their reflections on their roles and professional growth.

Ondine was a Senior Project Manager in the Teacher Education Reform Unit at the Victorian Department of Education and Training, overseeing an initiative focused on strengthening school-university partnerships. She is on the Executive Board of the National Association of Field Experience Administrators (NAFEA) as the Social Media Administrator. She is currently the editor-in-chief of Work Integrated Learning in Practice (WIL in Practice), a journal associated with NAFEA.

Her research areas include teacher development, school-university-industry partnerships, rural education, STEM and literacy. More recently, her work has involved delivering workshops and researching professional development for classroom teachers and leaders. The workshops focus on enhancing their skills in supporting high-ability learners. Ondine holds a strong desire to connect teaching and learning communities, and to build and grow collaborative networks across a range of educational settings.

Research interests

Educational Partnerships; Leadership and Management; Teacher Professional Development; Literacy

PhD candidate and honours supervision


Available to supervise honours students.

Honours topics and outlines

The Middle Leaders' Lament - Challenging the Metaphor of the Middle Leader as Channel: This topic explores the metaphor of the middle leader as 'channel', scrutinising its implications on leadership practices. Middle leaders often find themselves depicted as mere conduits for information flow between upper leadership and classroom teachers. This research aims to challenge and redefine this metaphor by highlighting the complexities and multidimensional roles of middle leaders.

Fields of Research

  • Teacher Education And Professional Development Of Educators - 390307
  • Educational Administration, Management And Leadership - 390403

Teaching areas

Primary Education;LIteracy;Curriculum and Pedagogy

Further information



Also published as: Bradbury, Ondine; Bradbury, O.; Bradbury, O. J.; Bradbury, Ondine J.; Bradbury, Ondine Jayne
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