Profile image for Vito Butardo

Dr Vito Butardo

Agricultural Sciences, The University of Queensland, Australia; BS Biology Major in Microbiology, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines


Dr Vito Butardo Jr obtained his PhD degree in Agricultural Sciences at The University of Queensland where he majored in plant molecular biology, biochemistry and biotechnology. He was then awarded postdoctoral research fellowships at the CSIRO Plant Industry (Canberra, Australia), International Rice Research Institute (Los Baños, Philippines) and Charles Sturt University (Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia).  He also holds a bachelor's degree in Biology Major in Microbiology (Honours). He joined Swinburne University of Technology in September 2017, where his major research initiatives focus on microbial and agricultural biotechnology. His primary research goal is mitigating the impact of malnutrition by enhancing food security, nutritional value, and food safety of cereal grains. He is also interested in utilising agricultural wastes for industrial purposes and determining the role of plant-based prebiotics on gut health. He is currently looking for honours, MS and PhD research students who are keen on the topics listed below.

Potential Research Topics:

  1. Functional genomic validation of genes associated with cereal grain quality, nutrition and safety
  2. Metabolomic analyses of coloured rice seeds
  3. QTL mapping of nutritional quality traits in rice
  4. Nutritional and safety implications of micronutrients and heavy metals in rice and other cereals
  5. Utilisation of rice husks, hulls and bran for industrial purposes
  6. Surface chemistry, material science characterisation and synchrotron-based advanced phenotyping of cereal grains
  7. Resistant starch, dietary fibre and bioactive peptides in rice and their role in gut health
  8. Nutriomic analyses of hempseed and other orphan crops
  9. Cloning and expression of thermophilic enzymes from microorganisms in agricultural and food wastes
  10. Metagenomics of beneficial microorganisms associated with cereals

Research interests

Cell Biology and Biochemistry; Microbiology; Plant Biotechnology

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.


Available to supervise honours students.

Honours topics and outlines

Investigating the effects of immunomodulatory supplements on muscle recovery from exercise: This study will investigate two plant-based anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory products, a bioactive rice peptide and cannabidiol (CBD) oil on muscle recovery after a half marathon or downhill run. Principal Supervisor: Dr Matthew Cooke, Co-supervisor: Dr Vito Butardo Jr and Dr Sam Wu

Fields of Research

  • Biochemistry And Cell Biology - 310100
  • Agricultural Biotechnology - 300100
  • Plant Biology - 310800

Teaching areas

Biotechnology;Cell Biology and Biochemistry;Molecular Biology


Also published as: Butardo, Vito; Butardo, V.; Butardo Jr, V.; Butardo Jr, V. M.; Butardo Jr, Vito; Butardo Jr, Vito M.; Butardo, V. M.; Butardo, Vito M.
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2023: Wattleseeds: From Australian Native Plant to Functional Food *; Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
  • 2022: Application for Top-Up Scholarship for PRO-013062 *; Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation - Postgraduate Research Scholarship
  • 2021: Characterisation of hempseed and its nutraceutical and prebiotics potential *; Plant Science Pty Ltd
  • 2021: Screening Water-Efficient and Climate-Resilient Rice Parental Lines for the Australian Rice Industry *; Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation Research Grants
  • 2020: The effects of short-term PeptAIde™ supplementation on recovery from acute endurance exercise performance in aerobically trained individuals. *; Nutrition Asia Research Grant

* Chief Investigator